Residency ARC via Marriage - restrictions leaving and returning to Taiwan?

My wife (Taiwanese/US dual citizen) and I are live in the US but plan to spend 4-6 months each year in Taiwan in early retirement. We are in the process of applying for my resident visa for foreign spouses. Are there any limitations in terms of how long you can leave and stay outside of Taiwan while maintaining the validity of the resident visa and ARC?

No limitations. You will be fine living here. By the way once you stay for 6 months you can get Taiwan excellent medical coverage National Health Insurance.


Thanks Satellite! Do I need to apply for a re-entry certificate each time I leave? Also, what is the application for health insurance process? How long does it take to receive it once you’ve applied?

nah, the ARC via marriage contains all the entry-exit permits, residence permits and also open work permit.

Pretty comprehensive.


Only when married to a Taiwanese with HHR or a foreign professional APRC


true, based on what the OP said that seems to be his case, I am assuming though.

Not really but keep note of the expiry of the ARC. If you don’t renew it then you have to start all over again.

Your first ARC will have a 1 year expiry and subsequent ARCs you can choose between 1, 2 and 3 years


If you are not working here in a Taiwan company then you need 6 months continuous residency. Then once you meet that you are required by law to have NHI. For unemployed people its less than US$30 a month for each person.

Also you can use the search function on this site or search NHI Taiwan. I am surprised your wife who is Taiwanese has not advised you of these things already. :smile:


TW citizens are among the least aware ppl in the world about their own laws, regulations and duties. My wife knows jackshit about her own country, even my in-laws know very little of common things. and I find this pretty standard amoung our local acquaintance/friends circle.

And they are all well educated and business ppl, not someone remove from the society. So I am not surprised at all.


I made that mistake - in the process of getting a new one and yes it sucks

Thanks all for your input! My wife and I have been living in the US for several decades and are just now gathering info for my Taiwan residency, so I’m not embarrassed to admit she’s not informed on these matters;). Also, not all the info we’ve found is consistent or clear, so we’re just trying to ensure we have our ducks in a row.


just be prepared, that’s the norm here. Welcome (soon) to Chabuduo land!


I want to add that when getting an FBi background check - best get it straight from the FBi and BE SURE that the name spelled out on the background check matches your passport.

Ask me how I know …

Perfect! My wife calls me chabuduo xiansheng, so I’ll fit right in!


Thanks, hopefully we’ve learned that lesson through our similar painful experience with passports and plane tickets

Thank you… that helps connect more dots. We actually purchased a house and registered in Taidong about a year ago. This thread is so very helpful!

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“Cadet! Ducks?! Ducks in a row? Your ducks are in a row only when I say so! Clear?!?”, said the officer on that day.
“Yes, Sir!” and a smart salute.

Sounds and looks different in venarcular, but result is still the same.

I will be entering Taiwan on a Resident visa and applying for the ARC the day after my arrival.

  1. How long does it normally take to get the ARC?
  2. When does the 6 month residency period (required for NHI) start? Is it the date of the ARC issuance? Or is it the date of entry\arrival?
  3. After the 6 month residency, how long does it usually take to obtain/start the NHI?

1 very short, a couple of days probably.

2 should be at the date of entrance, since you already are on a resident visa

3 after you gain the 6 months residency, just go to NHIA office and enroll, it’s immediate, you will receive the card in 2 week at your address

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You will find that in Taiwan government offices process things very quickly.
Also it is very worthwhile to stay 6 months to get health coverage. I’m 64 and I can tell you… excellent medical care here including basic dentistry.