Resident visa for master student

Hi guys ! I am currently filling in my visa application and I am hoping someone can help me out. I am applying for a residency visa. They are asking my estimated date of departure from Taiwan. My master starts in February and I am not quite sure if it is going to last for a year or more. SO, I am wondering what to put down as a date, and how long the residency visa actually last, will I have to apply again after a year if I need more time to complete my master ?

Also, when arriving in Taipei with a residency visa, will I need a return flight ticket to show costums or no ?
Hope this makes sense :blush:
Feel free to give me any more info that you might find useful for a foreign student arriving in Taipei ! :slight_smile:
Thank you !!!

Probably best to either check with the school or at least review the academic calendar (which I would expect to find on the school’s website).

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