Retirement at 50? Maybe in Taiwan

With the present political situation would anyone want to retire in Taiwan?

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I have pretty good passive income for my own needs. Not sure I’d be able to feed a family with it though, if I ever decide to have one.

That’s my plan. Makes no difference to me whether the island is administered by the DPP or KMT or CCP. I grew up in China and also worked there for a few years. Loved it as much as I love Taiwan.

Weren’t you planning to move to Kaohsiung a while ago? :thinking:


Jeezus do you have any idea how much of the discussion on this board will be verboten if one of those three groups was in change. It’s impressive you can be so blase about that.


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Um, what are you talking about? One of them is already in charge right now. At least until January 2024.

Also, don’t you know there are Forumosa-like forums for expats in China? I don’t see any of those being… how did you put it… verboten.

If a website is verboten, then you just use a VPN to access it. No big deal.

For some people living in a police state is a deal breaker.


Like Marijuana talk and the DPP? :laughing:

or negative talk about Taiwan’s COVID restrictions

Oh look, sun is shining down here

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The one that shall not be named

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Sure the same racist sun that burned up the POC and rich white celebrity restaurants and spas in Hawaii! Down with the sun!

Don’t worry, now it is down

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The anti-sun is upon you.

I just realized you collect your pension this month. Congrats!!

So how’s it going? any change in your plans?

What age can you start collecting pensions in Taiwan?

@Noel’s pension is not from Taiwan; he earned it, if I recall correctly, in the loosely governed Republic of Winnipeg. :slightly_smiling_face:


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I think 55 is earliest but it needs like 25 years service for the same company. I translated a document recently on that and it seemed to be 55/60/65 depending on years of service

When I checked before one starts at 60 at the earliest and the other at 65 (laobao, the modern scheme almost everybody is on). We aren’t talking megabucks here anyway.
Public servants have their own pension schemes.

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