Returning to Taiwan - quarantine at an Airbnb?


Sorry if this is in the wrong place or been asked a million times before. I will be arriving in Taiwan soon, I need to book my hotel to finish my visa application.

Can anyone tell me what the current situation is for using the website Own Rides to book hotel in Taoyuan for quarantine? Their website has a list of supposedly legal Q hotels but there is (as far as I know) no official government list for Taoyuan, only one for Taipei.

There are some cheap hotel rooms and apartments on there that I would be happy to do quarantine in, but I am worried about breaking the rules. Are these places OK for foreigners coming in on a special entry visa?

Thanks in advance for any help or advice

I recognize some of the hotels from the pictures - they are legit. I cannot imagine those small apartments being legal though, unless they are registered homestays.

Also, those apartments have this disclaimer: “The host only accepts Chinese guests at the moment.” Not sure how this is okay.

So Aborigines and white ROC nationals are not allowed?


I booked this place via Ownrides:
It was definitely a proper quarantine hotel - you enter through a designated entry, they spray you and your luggage with disinfectant and the floor you will stay on is purely for quarantine guests.

I must say I can really recommend Ownrides: I asked for a hotel without carpet, with a window that can be opened and with vegetarian food catering. All my requests were always answered within few hours and they were following up with me before I boarded and also after I had arrived and they asked me if everything was ok or if they could help somehow. The hotel was also very good and the staff there responded to any request very quickly, professionally and in a friendly manner.

It might sound like a paid ad, but I think it’s only fair to promote a bit such a flawless service as Ownrides provides (unfortunately I don’t get paid commission :smiley:)


Sorry for such a slow reply. Thanks for the advice. I ended up booking one of those hotels with Own Rides. I hadn’t noticed that disclaimer first time round so thanks also for pointing that out.

Aha yeah I was about to say, are you sure you don’t work for them? Yeh I booked with them based on what you and the previous poster said. Thanks for the useful input!