Rice 🍚

I think so - I went there a couple of months ago…wait…

…actually, five and a half months ago according to my budgeting app, at the end of March. I really didn’t think it had been that long, on account of coronavirus having blurred everything into one long continuum of tedium. :unamused:

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USA like rice (like Japanese, chinese, taiwanese short grain) is much cheaper at Amazon Supermarket (Amazon Fresh brand)

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I this I like a lot too ! I also had one with rice wine mixed in.


Did you find Rice in grape leaves in Taiwan, miss this


that would be south-east asia, and south asia, respectively

sounds like you’ve only eaten these rices when cooked in taiwan, where all the food seems to taste worse. go to india or thailand and learn what good food tastes like!

yes, go to europe


have you tried adding a little salt before you cook it?


Are you kidding me?

I just had Thai food an hour ago.

I’ve eaten Thai twice this week already.

Very good

Thai and Indian rice are made of harder texture than East Asian rice.

That’s why when Taiwanese people eat it, it tastes like bullets to them.

Not rocket science.


Just made fried rice with fried chicken and duck egg

Nasi goreng