Riding from Tainan to Kenting, would it be too crazy?

I live in northern Taiwan and are not familiar with Southern Taiwan.

Would it be too crazy to ride from Tainan to Kenting on a scooter?

How long would it take and what’s the approx. distance (in KM)?

Can someone give me a direction so I can start planning on a map?

Thanks in advance.


No. My FIL used to do Taipei to Pintung in a day with stops for meals at friend’s houses.

It will take about 45min -1hr from KHH to Donggang and 1.5-2hrs from Donggang to Kenting. Dunno…2-3hrs from TNN to KHH??

You want to head inland toward Tsochen and possibly Laonong if the road is okay after Jiaxian. Otherwise to Meinong and across to Maolin. Then you want to take the 185 all the way down to Fangliao. Lovely rural route. Don’t take the coast until Fangliao It’s hideous in most parts.

Distance: 250km?

[quote=“Jake”]I live in northern Taiwan and are not familiar with Southern Taiwan.

Would it be too crazy to ride from Tainan to Kending on a scooter?[/quote]
Not at all, I’ve done it a few times. Only thing is your ass will be saddle sore at the end of it, so I suggest regular stops and a full face helmet to keep the wind off your face.

On a scooter it took me around three hours. Say 3 to 4 hours. I agree with Mucha Man, probably around 250km, give or take. The bargain is, once you’re there you don’t have to hire a scooter. :slight_smile:

I didn’t use a map. I’d just head to Kaohsiung and keep heading south. When I got uncertain I stop and ask someone (there’s always someone about) which way to Kenting. Normally they give you a funny look (a mixture of bemusement and disbelief) and point you in the right direction

[quote=“Jake”]Thanks in advance.

No worries. Your map idea is probably a good thing though.

Edit: I advise an early start. Around 4 to 5am always worked well for me. Less traffic and sun in your face. Get there around 8 or 9am.

Wear padded cyclist’s shorts to extend your zone of comfort in the seat time parameter.