Rights of Immigrants in your Country, State or Province

Don’t read too much between the lines. You can read them as they are written. Marco’s MP wants precedent in other countries, so Marco wants to collect them.

It’s as simple as that.

Laws prohibiting discrimination by citizenship are best. That’s it. Exactly as the first post shows. I will find more when off work. The added help…helps.

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Yea Kuomingtang MP only cares about pensioners, not the people at large. This is probably why Korea Fish went belly up.

I can only tell you about the US because that’s where I spent most of my life. The US has Civil Rights Acts that prohibits discrimination based on race, sex, national origin, etc. but that’s about it. Immigrants are generally not treated differently than locals and political correctness is really important there. I know numerous states, including Texas has their own version of Dream Act where at least as far as schooling is concerned, even illegal immigrants may claim in state tuition if they fulfill other residency requirements.

IMO, how it is practiced is more important. Taiwan already has some good laws as rocket posted one.

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I need sources. I can’t work on hearsay in this thread and @Mithrandir has provided US already. Though I will need to check through all 50 US states as well to see if they have their own rights commissions.

That’s right. But enforcement is piss poor here as Taiwan does not have an equivalent to the OHRC in terms of enforcement and levying of fines and punishment to companies institutions and government agencies.

It’s difficult to describe on-the-ground practise. But they know laws and they know western countries are strict.

And hoping that dumping hundreds of sheets of paper on the desk will have an effect of ‘Oh boy he’s not kidding’

For Texas

For the USA


Thank you.

I guess there are some good summaries or reviews with lots of references. will look for it.

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State laws are a mess, but this might be a good starting point.

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Probably best to look at Federal law, because immigration is always Federal matter. States vary hugely, usually the more blue the state, the more protection they have for immigrants.

The problem is we’re not talking about immigration. We’re talking about discrimination.


I think this is what you are looking for regarding the U.K. and includes nationality/origin:

The general immigration rules index can be found here too:

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I also wanna bring to light news articles from the west to show that acts of discrimination of foreigners are newsworthy because most westerners consider discrimination towards foreigners as unpalatable.
Stuff like this. Articles that essentially talk down about discrimination by citizenship.

Yes. Even if it’s from (insert media I don’t like here)

This will help show the attitudes of Western populations.

In Brazil, there’s the new Migration Law, which was approved in 2017, and it substitutes the Foreigner’s Statute and institutes a perspective of migration based on human rights, repudiating xenophobia, racism and any form of discrimination, as one of its principles. Here are some of the changes (attention to points 3 and 4):

  1. Migratory Legalization: the promotion of legal entry and of legalisation is established as a principle. The New Law also ensures exemption from charges for the issue of documents for migrants who do not have the financial means to pay;
  2. Humanitarian Visa: Five types of visa have been introduced for entry or permanent residency in Brazil. The temporary one is given in the case of humanitarian protection for stateless people or migrants from any country ‘in a serious situation or imminent institutional instability, armed conflict, large-scale calamity, environmental disaster or serious human rights violations or of international humanitarian rights, or in other hypotheses, in the form of regulation.
  3. Public Policy: Equal free access for migrants to services, programs and social benefits, public services, education, full public legal assistance, work, housing, banking services and social security is one of the principles of this new law.
  4. Participation in protests and trade unions: the right to mobilization was forbidden in the Foreigner’s Statute. The new law establishes a migrant’s right to meet for peaceful purposes and for association, including trade unions, for legal ends.
  5. No extradition for political crime or opinion: Like the 1988 Constitution, the new law states that there should be no extradition for political crime or opinion, and also prohibits extradition for refugees and exiles.

Discrimination against immigrants – measurement, incidence and policy instruments

EU countries

What measures are in place to ensure the long-term integration of migrants and refugees in Europe?

  • All EU countries have anti-discrimination laws that prohibit discrimination in the employment context based on race, nationality and/or ethnicity, but in many countries, enforcement of these laws is weak.

Governance of migrant integration across Europe

Click on one of the 27 EU Member States below to read about governance of migrant integration there. To find out about integration governance in the former EU Member State of the United Kingdom, click here.

Integration Practices

This section of the Web Site contains the collection of good practices. For more information on the definition of good practices and the selection criteria, please follow this link.

Guaranteeing Equality at Work for All: A Comprehensive, Globally Comparative Review

Prohibiting Discrimination Against Migrants in the Workplace


Article 8 of the Federal Constitution of Malaysia

‘(1) All persons are equal before the law and entitled to the equal protection of the law.’

section 60L of Employment Act 1955 of Malaysia

(1) The Director General may inquire into any complaint from a local employee that he is being discriminated against in relation to a foreign employee, or from a foreign employee that he is being discriminated against in relation to a local employee, by his employer in respect of the terms and conditions of his employment…



Article 14 of the Constitution of Kazakhstan

  1. Everyone shall be equal before the law and court.
  2. No one shall be subject to any discriminationfor reasons of origin, social, property status, occupation, sex, race, nationality, language, attitude towards religion, convictions, place of residence or any other circumstances

Article 5 of the Constitution of Kazakhstan

  1. Formation and functioning of public associations pursuing the goals or actions directed toward a violent change of the constitutional system, violation of the integrity of the Republic, undermining the security of the state, inciting social, racial, national, religious, and tribal enmity, as well as the formation of unauthorized paramilitary units shall be prohibited.

Article 20 of the Constitution of Kazakhstan

  1. Propaganda or agitation for the forcible change of the constitutional system, violation of the integrity of the Republic, undermining of state security, and advocating war, social, racial, national, religious, and clannish superiority as well as the cult of cruelty and violence, shall not be allowed.

Article 24 of the Constitution of Kazakhstan

  1. Everyone shall have the right to safe and hygienic working conditions, to just remuneration for labour without discrimination, as well as to social protection against unemployment

Article 9 of Equality Before the Law and Court

All are equal beforethe law in the course of proceedings on administrative offenses. No one shall be subjected to any discriminationfor reasons of origin, social, official or property status, sex, race, nationality, language, religion, beliefs, place of residence or any other circumstances.

Article 75 of Responsibility for the Violation of Legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Languages

  1. Refusal by an official to accept documents, appeals of individuals and legal entities, as well as failure to consider thereof on their merits motivated by lack of knowledge of the language is punishable by a fine of twenty times the monthly calculation index.


Foreign migrant workers enjoy the same legal protections as Uzbek workers as long as their employers follow all legal procedures for their employment. The law provides for a number of punishments of Uzbek employers who do not follow all legal procedures. The government did not strictly enforce employment law, primarily due to insufficient staffing of relevant entities and endemic corruption.


Article 14 of the Constitution of India

The State shall not deny to any person equality before the law or the equal protection of the laws within the territory of India.


Article 7 Fundamental Rights of The Constitution of The Kingdom of Bhutan

15.All persons are equal before the law and are entitled to equal and effective protection of the law and shall not be discriminated against on the grounds of race, sex, language,religion, politics or other status.

Article 9 Principles of State Policy of The Constitution of The Kingdom of Bhutan

  1. The State shall endeav our to create a civil society free of oppression, discrimination and violence, based on the rule of law, protection of human rights and dignity, and to ensure the fundamental rights and freedoms of the people.


Article 19 of the Constitution of Russian Federation

  1. All people shall be equal before the law and court.
  2. The State shall guarantee the equality of rights and freedoms of man and citizen, regardless of sex, race, nationality, language, origin, property and official status, place of residence, religion, convictions, membership of public associations, and also of other circumstances. All forms of limitations of human rights on social, racial, national, linguistic or religious grounds shall be banned.

Chapter 2. Rights and Freedoms of Man and Citizen of the Constitution of Russian Federation

New Zealand

Your human rights in New Zealand

In New Zealand, the rights of individuals are protected by a wide range of laws. These laws cover problems you may have with government organisations, private businesses or individuals.


Anti-discrimination law

Article 2. Definition of arbitrary discrimination. For the purposes of this law, arbitrary discrimination is understood to be any distinction, exclusion or restriction that lacks reasonable justification, made by State agents or individuals, and that causes deprivation, disturbance or threat in the legitimate exercise of the fundamental rights established in the Political Constitution of the Republic or in the international treaties on human rights ratified by Chile and that are in force, in particular when they are based on reasons such as race or ethnicity, nationality, socioeconomic situation, language, ideology or political opinion, religion or belief, union membership or participation in trade union organizations or lack thereof, sex, motherhood, breastfeeding, breastfeeding, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, marital status, age, parentage, personal appearance, and illness or disability.


Political Constitution of the United Mexican States

Article 1 This article states that every individual in Mexico (official name, Estados Unidos Mexicanos or United Mexican States) has the rights that the Constitution gives. These rights cannot be denied and they cannot be suspended. Slavery is illegal in Mexico; any slaves from abroad who enter national territory will, by this mere act, be freed and given the full protection of the law. All types of discrimination whether it be for ethnic origin, national origin, gender, age, different capacities, social condition, health condition, religion, opinions, sexual preferences, or civil state or any other which attacks human dignity and has as an objective to destroy the rights and liberties of the people are forbidden.

Article 3 of Federal Labor Law

any distinction made against employees based on race, nationality, sex, age, disability, religion, migratory condition, health, sexual orientation, religion, political affiliation or social status is strictly prohibited

Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination



All inhabitants of the Nation enjoy the following rights, in accordance with the laws that regulate their exercise, namely: of working in and practicing any lawful industry; of navigating and trading; of petitioning the authorities; of entering, remaining in,traveling through and leaving the Argentine territory; of publishing their ideas through the press without prior censorship; of using and disposing of their property; of associating for useful purposes; of freely practicing their religion; of teaching and learning.


Australia has federal-level and state-level law protecting the rights of immigrants.

Below is not a complete list, hope to add more later.

eg Workers Rights (federal level)

All workers in Australia have the same rights and protections at work, regardless of citizenship or visa status. These rights can’t be taken away by contracts or agreements.

eg The full corpus of Federal Discrimination Law (multiple Acts and a foreword) is in this pdf, and includes:

The particular grounds of unlawful discrimination… can be summarised as follows:

  • race, colour, descent or national or ethnic origin;
  • sex;
  • sexual orientation;
  • gender identity;
  • intersex status;
  • marital or relationship status;
  • pregnancy or potential pregnancy;
  • breastfeeding;
  • family responsibilities;
  • disability;
  • people with disabilities who have a carer, assistant, assistance animal or disability aid; and
  • age.

People working in certain industries also have a “proactive duty” to ensure that this discrimination does not occur.

Every state/territory also has additional anti-discrimination law. Links from the “States and territories” heading here: https://www.ag.gov.au/rights-and-protections/human-rights-and-anti-discrimination/australias-anti-discrimination-law

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How is this one?

Why Do States Extend Rights to Immigrants? Institutional Settings and Historical Legacies Across 44 Countries Worldwide


You’re the best @tando.

I have lots to go through parse and organise. Keep it coming!

British Columbia, Canada

In Chinese


From https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/tourism-and-immigration/immigrating-to-bc/immigration_task_force_web.pdf

Support and services




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