RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury) - Do you have it?

Do you suffer from RSI? What do you do to treat it?

avoid the R


What if your income depended on the R?

Loads of pain and regret. Another R word.

The main thing that helps me with certain injuries is have more work, but of varying types. Different movements. I generally switch up motions every couple hours. When possible. Having more work actually helps . When I need a break from heat, or strain etc, I have more than enough computer work, or phone calls, or just packing shipments etc. Which are essentially like taking a break (physically) but still making one money and needs to get done anyway.


That will make you go blind.

If we’re talking about computer work, you can change position, sit, stand, use a different type of mouse or trackpad, trackball, etc.

Wanking from home (WFH).

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I thought you were saying you got an RSI from welding too much.

Just pointing out that you should wear proper eye protection.

Not sure what you’re on about.

Seriously…Is the injury related to using a computer? My sis had her office do a risk assessment and they gave her a made to measure desk and chair, a keyboard pad etc and she says it is much better.

Yeah it is keyboard related. These shitty Mac wireless keyboards are just built to look good. Anyone tried those keyboards that are sort of chopped in half and angled? A wrist pad is on the cards too.

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