Rude cake bakery?

Ya know the thing
A cake with “buns” :drooling_face:

Taoyuan/Hsinchu area pls


Is that a bakery who refuses to bake cake for a same sex couple a while back?

Or they throw the pie in your face?

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You say this as if the whole world should know what this means.


Something like this I’d say


If I go to a bakery to buy a cake, I expect to be treated better than at work.



So maybe OP was posting a “Where can I find” sort of post?

And maybe by rude he meant, like, naughty?

As far as I know, this page doesn’t have the sexy one (bare breasts), but I arrived at this page through the sexy one (and the sexy one belonged to the same outfit):

I’m flying blind about this sort of thing, but I think it’s in Taoyuan.


Whoa…you actually made sense of that post. :sweat_smile:


Thanks, but I had help from @tempogain. But I have to say that @tempogain’s post also briefly had me baffled. :slight_smile:

Edited to add:

This appears to be one from Zhubei, although it mentions a township name (Xinfeng Township, Hsinchu County):

Now, the sexy one (with garter belt and revealing bra) is somewhere in the pictorial display on the above page, so it’s NOT SUITABLE FOR WORK, CHILDREN, OR OTHERS WHO MIGHT BE OFFENDED OR HARMED :nsfw:

Having those strange feelings down there again? :slightly_smiling_face:

Come on, that is great. try it upside down when you get tired of it.

One of the things I love about Taiwan is the oxymoron it is. conservative to the point a kiss is offensive but brothels next to school are OK.

Taiwan :heavy_heart_exclamation:

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More like the feelings I get during the pic quiz game (i. e., what’s going on here?).

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Yes, I know…the building excitement as you move from one place to another…and then that final release as you reach the destination! :sweat_smile:

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You forget that I often don’t get anywhere near the destination.

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No that would be India, where a kiss can get a mob to tear you apart.

India is so conservative that westboro Baptist church looks like communists in comparison.

Nah, I dont mean that type of crazy. the crazy i was referring to is Taiwanese flavor. passive aggressive and emotional kidnapping to the point of borderline suicide, or at least mental health issues. Meanwhile, sending their kids to the cram school by the brothel and legalized drug drive through because their teachers bully them into memorizing meaningless crap so their tests are 100. Apologies for not clarifying :innocent:

The problem is every culture is full of mental health issues and it’s something every culture save for Norway or Sweden prefers to bury it out of sight, out of mind. Pretend they don’t exist and everyone’s happy.

Yup, truly. But I only mentioned Taiwan :slight_smile: and in a specific situation :wink: