Has anyone ever seen a store that specializes in running shoes? I’d like to buy from a store with knowledgable salespeople if possible as I think I may need special shoes.
Has anyone ever seen a store that specializes in running shoes? I’d like to buy from a store with knowledgable salespeople if possible as I think I may need special shoes.
Reviving this very old thread.
I would like to try on some Hoka’s, Asics, etc., in addition to the traditional NB and Nike brands.
Is there such a store in Taipei? Thanks.
Went from a minimalist shoe to Newtons now. I think I’ve corrected my form. No more knee pain. I’m now ready to go for something with more cushioning.
I believe that the Asics flagship store near Zhongxiao Dunhua does gait analysis, but I’m not 100% on that, maybe just go and check it out?
Almost 7 years ago I bought a nice pair of Mizuno at a shop somewhere near the stupid night market in Shilin. I think I remember they had a lot of material, not just running shoes (I bought a super nice running t-shirt and an equally good running shorts).
I could be this one: https://www.google.com.tw/maps/@25.0889208,121.5233274,3a,41.8y,72.26h,97.61t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sFOjqDVS2tEW8TBe-5mw6Yw!2e0!7i13312!8i6656
Or this one:
But I THINK this is the one:
You have three shops there, so you should be able to find what you need in that street (the shops are very close to each other.
Thanks both of you. And it seems I heard about Asics and gait analysis. I should check that out.
I’m very curious about the Hoka shoe.
One of my friend’s on fb just liked this. It looks like they have some decent brands (including Hokas!). Heck of a long website address.
台灣 105
Hoka has been holding lots of promotions lately. they had an event nearby here where i could take there latest models out for as long a run as i wanted. Also, they have a 30 day return special which is rare here in my experience. They sell online and have popup stores. They are on Facebook and you can get more info there.
I got a pair recently with a heavy discount which put it on par with prices back home. Items like this are usually more expensive here.
How are they? More of a high cushion shoe, right? Do they take some getting used to? Not for everyone like Newtons?
Lots of cushion. Haven’t tried Newtons.
I trained for the Xiamen marathon in Hoka Clifton 2’s and I found those shoes to be very different - like walking on a cloud but they also “rock you forward”. Shoe was a little wide for my foot and I got some rubbing.
I switched to Saucony’s over the winter to train for the Phuket marathon and they also had good support.
This summer I finally found a pair of very expensive Salomon road running shoes. This are the exact opposite of Hoka’s. Very flat. Felt great. But I developed an injury and put them away for awhile and am using Hoka’s again as I see if I can start training again for something in the new year.
I find the new Hoka’s to be slightly harder in the sole and a little narrower. Still very comfortable. No break in period or anything like that.
But really everyone’s foot is different and most shoes these days are of decent quality. It’s just a matter of finding what works for your foot.
I think maybe you’re right about that. I was looking at reviews and an Under Armour shoe made the list for one review. I was surprised to see that.
I just have a gut feeling about Hoka. I’ve altered my form with minimalist shoes and I think I need more cushioning now as I’m getting some (very) minor foot pains after runs. It seems more cushioning would do the trick.