Russia invades Ukraine: General Discussion 2023

There will always be those ready to blame the west for everything, without putting in any thought

If they (edit: by which I mean Russia) fuck up they just need a few dank memes and a story or two through their think tanks and state media, and soon enough YouTubers and bloggers will be citing that and each other and their useful idiots will share it on various social media platforms

Look what the US did again, because Iraq


As I was saying

And there is a subset of people in the Internet who take Russian state TV, and Russian think tanks, and memes from Russian troll farms, very seriously. To be fair, I’m sure many of them don’t have the media literacy to realize the source of their “information”


For sure, idk how I came to the point of thinking about strategic advantages of blowing a nuclear reactor :rofl:

Salting the well, or victim empathy?

Don’t think it’s an exclusively Russian thing. Lots of people I know got suckered in by the U.S. news media’s WMD, Russian collusion, and Russia laptop hokum hook, line, and sinker.

I didn’t. I was strongly opposed to the WMD excuse. Similarly opposed to Putin’s invasion excuses.

Who are your friends who fell for either lie?

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The ones who went to Iraq. Interestingly enough they’re largely the same ones who now believe Fauci is the ringleader of an international conspiracy to enslave humanity.

The sad fact is you can fool most people anywhere all the time.

Your final sentence is depressing.

The fools about WMD are the same as the fools about Putin’s special military operation. Or, are they different in some way?

Lol, there it is

I’m glad Canada sat that one out.

There was enough reason to take it seriously, there was even an investigation. I stopped paying attention after AG Barr called game over, has the US state media and think tanks been pushing it still?

This one I don’t even know, is it Hunter’s penis again? I haven’t had any interest in that, personally

Hunter’s penis is not interesting on a political level certainly, but state security agency efforts to suppress and malign a legitimate news story to influence a presidential election should be of interest.


If you read the subcommittee page that I put up the other day, they are recommending changes in how political families can skim money off the surface.

I think there’s way more interest about HB’s financial activities from the power elite than they are letting on now. Even headscarf guy says HB should face Justice, making all that money of poor old joes name.

I’ll find it and put it in the right thread, apologies for the sullying of the Rooshan war thread. :doh:

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Heavy enough to tip the scales of an erlection, apparently

Could have saved a lot of headache if they’d just looked into those emails quietly in 2016, eh?

Should just give him Jared’s old office and send him to KSA

We have 2, so this one can get sullied a bit. Sully away

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No you’re missing the point :slight_smile:

Not following you at all here, sounds like spin

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More of a whataboutism

For the FBI to announce an investigation into the democratic candidate just before an election again was probably not something they were in a hurry to do

The point, the shaft, the base, I’ve missed it all. Penis jokes :sweat_smile:

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That wasn’t necessary or even possible. The only thing they had to do here was not suppress and malign the legitimate news story on it (which they knew was legitimate). However, they did.

Stop going back to the penis! This isn’t about the penis :slight_smile:

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I’ve noticed that…

why are there two identical threads???

Idk, American politics certainly has a surplus of dicks :yum:

The specific developments thread doesn’t absorb all the theorizing and squabbling and Tom Hanks movies, just specific developments for those who want them. When the invasion was fresher it was a good idea

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Yet Christopher Steele testified in a court in the UK that nothing in his Steele Dossier could be verified. None of it was more than a fairytale. It was all nonsense but Trump haters took it to heart.

Yep, never mind us undermining the legitimate democratically expressed will of the people for years based on concocted bullshit. Oopsie! Sorry not sorry

There was plenty of stuff worth looking into, people pled guilty, Cambridge Analytica, etcetera

When AG Barr called game over, that was the end of it. Better to check and be wrong

Like birtherism

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