RZR Revival?

Took the clutch stack apart and cleaned it up a bit. Very hard concretion (I’d guess metal dust, clutch material and oxidised oil) on metal plates which was probably what stuck the stack.

Centre pushrod no longer pushes on re-assembly, so I guess whatever was on the end of it (ball bearing?) isn’t there anymore. Didn’t see anything fall out, but I’d be quite likely to miss that, or perhaps its just internally displaced rather than dived down a drain.

Spose I’ll have to open up the other side tommorrow and see if I can find it.

Edit: Todays tomorrow. There’s no access from the other side so I guess if anything is “internally displaced” its a full dismantle to fix it. Thought it might be the locknut on the end of the pushrod was adjusted wrong so fiddled with that endlessly but couldn’t get the endplate to move, though there’s very slight movement of the pushrod when the endplate is off. Figured I’d break something else if I continued working in full sunlight (wont do that again) so I gave up. I guess I’ve probably put it back together wrong, though I don’t see how.

Noticed the kickstart lever is cracked. Didn’t think I was that strong. Rage Against The Machine / The Power of Petulence.