Sake Alert (清酒, Qīngjiǔ)

I’ve recently been crushing on this Taiwanese sake available at most shops and convenience stores.

It’s not as dry as I like and a bit sweet but still enjoyable especially if it’s cold. I’ve always been into the quality dry Japanese sake but this one is simple, sweet, and seems quite okay for an easy to access quick sip.

I find myself preferring this over many NT$2000 and up sake.

~NT$160 at most shops.

Caveat #1: Great for a date.
Caveat #2: Not so keto friendly, for those that care.

Click on the picture, sadly it’s distorted here for some reason.


Sake is my favorite alcoholic drink. Love that stuff, especially hot. Maybe I’ll buy some tonight.

That is very affordable. Maybe I should reconsider my Yanjing pijiu

Yeah, I like that one too, and frankly I can’t even taste the difference between the cheap and expensive stuff.

For me sake is a winter drink (ie., hot). I’ve got one of those funny-shaped flasks and the cups and everything. Cos I’m cultured, I am.

I don’t know what they put in sake, but some preservative leaves me with a terrible headache. A few brands don’t use it, but they tend to be more expensive. I can’t tell the difference in the taste though, just more $
And recommendation for a dry, filtered one without preservatives?