Salary for Web Developer in Taiwan?

Can anyone give me a ball park figure for web development salaries in Taiwan. Around 2 years industry experience, decent portfolio, british with undergrad and masters degree.

I have an interview with one of the bigger IT companies here next week and they are wanting to know my expected salary. I know it wont be anything like back in the UK but what should I shoot for ?

Around 40-60 k NT per month ?

That would be a good ballpark range.

40 - 60k?! That’s unconscionable for web development work. I know Taiwan doesn’t value software expertise but damn. For engineers I can understand low salaries because engineers are a dime a dozen in Taiwan but good software talent is a lot rarer. The next Facebook or Amazon isn’t coming out of Taiwan I guess.

Engineers and software developers are a dime a dozen in Taiwan, but good engineers and software developers are much rarer.

To update you all, a bit dissapointed but as expected: I was offered 50k monthly.

Oof! I have a buddy who gets 70K and says it’s hardly compensation for the amount of work, pressure, and general office culture he has to deal with.

Damn, no wonder everyone is trying to get a teaching gig. If I could make even 50% of what I get paid for web development work in the US I’d never have left. Taiwan is a great place to live but a shithole to work in.

Actually the low salaries are logically sound. I found I hardly spend money anymore since I work in Taiwan. Simply no time to buy anything.
It’s good. Far-Eastern wisdom.