Same address, different household register?

I am applying for the Taiwan ID for the first time and used my friend’s address for my 定居證.
When applying in the household registration office, is it possible to use my friend’s address but be in a different household register? (Meaning to say being able to form my own household but living in my friend’s address)

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Yes, it’s called 獨立戶 - independent household


How can I apply for that?

Yes! It is what I’m doing right now, using my Landlord’s address but have my own independent household i.e have my own “戶口名簿”. When the time comes for you to apply for the ID card and register your own household for the first time (初設戶籍登記), you will need to get your friend’s 房屋稅單 and with that, you’ll be able to register.


So instead of needing my friend’s 戶口名簿, I need their 房屋稅單? Is that the only requirement? And does my friend need to be present when I apply?

Yes, only the 房屋稅單 is needed and your friend doesn’t need to be there when you apply.


Thank you so much!
May I ask how long it took to process your Taiwan ID and what the benefits of establishing 獨立戶 are?

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When I did mine it was done at the HHR at the same time. Only takes a couple of minutes.


You get your ID on the spot after applying?

Yes. MOI Sent me a letter and also to the HHR. So bring your ID photographs.

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Took me about 15-20 mins as the lady behind the counter was verifying all my documents (定居證, 房屋稅單 etc), re-confirming my name, spelling etc, then choosing a 身分證號碼 for me & at the same time she was inputting all these details into my new “戶口名簿”. After she was done, she directed me to go to another counter, pay 50 bucks and get my own brand new 身分證. She also gave me the option of printing my own “戶籍謄本” for 30 bucks each as she said I will be needing it when I go update all my information at the DMV, banks etc.

Plenty of benefits if you establish your own 戶籍. You need your own 戶籍 if you’re planning to apply for Rent Subsidies or other Government benefits. All official mail will be sent to this address (e.g you get a speeding ticket, it will be mailed to this address). You won’t have to depend on someone else to collect your important mail for you. Sometimes the Govt. hands out Consumer Vouchers, tax rebates etc and they give it out according to the number of ppl living in the household.