Why isn’t anyone talking about this huge piece of news?
It’s only civil union…not real marriage.
Not the same as marriage, but still pretty good result if the legal rights in a civil union is the same as in marriage
A ceremony cum drinking and partying will make it more or less the same as marriage, except the piece of paper looks a bit different
The new bill has also been met with criticism from conservative groups that oppose same-sex unions. On Thursday, the Coalition for the Happiness of Our Next Generation called the draft “unacceptable.”
This group is fighting against the happiness of the next generation of gay people. Obviously the irony of their name escapes them.
Uh it is real marriage? Why is it not?
There are still quite a few problems (for example, marriage with a foreigner isn’t allowed yet due to technical problems regarding private international law, neither is joint adoption) but overall it’s ok.
They’re a bunch of kunts, pure and simple.
It accords the same rights under law but isn’t marriage per se.
What’s in a name? That which we call a rose
By any other word would smell as sweet…
It is called marriage. It’s written in article 2.
It seems the differences between marriage and civil union varies from country to country, if not state to state.
What is de facto difference in Taiwan?
So what was the point of the referendum? A failed attempt to show how Taiwanese people are supportive of SSM?
Fuck, you write good, man…
I learn it from a book.
It basically guarantees all the rights granted to married couples.
Still, I am bummed and depressed when I read through it and see all mention of marriage avoided like a plague.
It’s the KMT’s old schtick of 我把你當人看 (I treat you like a person) v.s. 你是一個人 (you are a person) dichotomy. I just feel like even though rights are won, yet discrimination lives on.
The interesting thing is China Times ran articles slamming this new act, saying the government isn’t respecting the result of the referendum, when it was the anti-marriage equality group who drafted the referendum for a separate civil union act.
I’m curious about one thing: if Taiwan finally legalizes marriage between two gay people (or if not really “marriage” in name, something with the same legal value)…what happens to a gay couple that gets married in Taiwan and then moves to a different country that doesn’t recognize Taiwan as a proper country? Could they just not recognize the marriage, if for example it was a country that doesn’t allow gay people to get married?
Same sex marriage is not allowed because the majority of men and women do not agree with it , as discovered in the referendum. The people have spoken and they are NOT in favor of same sex marriage and choose to keep the act of marriage as a sacred covenant between MAN and WOMAN. Praise be.
It’s a basic human rights issue. So just bacause the majority of voters still is discriminatory towards non-heterosexual couples, that doesn’t make it ok to do so. The supreme court has already ruled that such discrimination is unconstitutional.
Is that praise be that the god I worship is a raving homophobe?
It’s a quote from The Handmaid’s Tale, meant as a joke.
Step into the 90s, Gramps.
Ooh ooh, I have ever read that book.
So the answer to my question is, yes?
cum drinking and partying
Wouldn’t this just perpetuate negative stereotypes about the LGBT community?