Sample Resume


I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to email me a copy of their resume as a reference on creating a teaching oriented resume. I have a strong background in computer related fields and have a B.S. degree in Computer Science… but I’m having a bit of trouble coming up with a good teacher/teaching/education related resume. My email address is


No one? :frowning:


I was wondering if anyone would be kind enough to email me a copy of their resume as a reference on creating a teaching oriented resume. I have a strong background in computer related fields and have a B.S. degree in Computer Science… but I’m having a bit of trouble coming up with a good teacher/teaching/education related resume. My email address is


Maybe this is your problem? Square peg, round hole?

Where do you plan on teaching? Some places don’t necessitate a resume.


Have you had any teaching experience to write about in a resume? If not don’t bother. They’ll be able to tell as soon as you do your demo. Your professional resume will be glanced at a put aside. Don’t worry too much about the paperwork.



Thanks for the reply. As it currently stands… yes, I am a square peg. However, I am working towards rounding off the corners with a snug fit in the round hole as my final destination. I plan on teaching in Taipei but would consider any city in Taiwan if forced. Here is a quick summary of my situation and reasons for pursuing a teaching position in Taiwan:

Although I have a B.S. in Computer Information Systems I have always wanted to teach. I just happened to pursue an education in C.I.S. as a result of my training and experience in the military. Furthermore, I spent 18 months in Taipei recently on an I.T. contract and loved the country. It was during those 18 months that I learned about “teaching English” in Taiwan and the seed was planted in my mind. Currently I am working in the U.S; however, I am ready for a career change and have decided that I want to teach English… and return to Taiwan for the long haul. I am currently enrolled in a CELTA program as I am very serious about this career change. As it currently stands, I will be taking a downgrade in pay and status to move to Taiwan to teach, but life has taught me that happiness is worth more than wealth or title. I want to be happy and live the best life I can, helping others and helping myself.

I was just hoping that by posting my request for a sample resume on this site, I might be able to better prepare for my move.


Thanks for the reply and information. As for teaching experiences, I was a C.P.R. instructor for 2 years while in the Air Force. I was also a designated squadron trainer and as a result completed a few courses on occupational training and O.J.T. training.

So far it seems that resumes are not very important in the process of finding a job teaching in Taiwan. Yes I will be a newbie teacher and will have plenty to learn but I figure its better to be over prepared :slight_smile:

I am just now starting a CELTA program so maybe it will cover writing a proper C.V. or resume for the teaching profession.

There’s your teaching resume sorted Blues - your instructor experience and your CELTA. Put these together on one page with your profession and you’ll be laughing. You are right about resumes not being too important. A degree is all they want to see.

Seriously don’t sweat it. I’m asuming you’re a Brit, right?



Actually no… Im from the U.S. I just happened to spend 2 years in England while in the military :wink: I picked up a few terms as a result of that educational vacation!

I just remember meeting a lot of Canadians and Brits when I was in Taiwan so I figured I would mention C.V. along with resume.

Thanks for the advice Limey,


Ahh, That’ll explain the time you are posting then. Doh! just saw your location…goodnight!


Yes, highlight the teaching and training experiences you’ve had. If you’re doing the CELTA and you are serious about teaching, you might want to stick to adults. If you get so many years of experience, you could qualify for a DELTA and really take your teaching career further.