Sanders Endorses Clinton

Certainly one of the biggest sell-outs in recent political history. Yeah, I know it’s not fashionable to quote, but their coverage of this has been much better than the mainstream media, so perhaps you’d like to take a look…

‘Bernie is a sellout’: Sanders supporters blast him for endorsing Hillary Clinton

And now what? Some Bernie supporters will hold their nose and vote for Clinton, but others will either not vote, or vote third party. A few disillusioned Bernie supporters may actually vote for Trump as a protest, though I think their numbers will be small.

‘Final nail in the coffin’: Green Party’s Jill Stein to RT on Sanders endorsement of Clinton

I do know a few died-in-the-wool Republicans who can’t stand Trump, and are planning to vote Libertarian.

I make no predictions about how this election will turn out. Just about anything could happen.

Bernie has repeatedly said when it comes down to Clinton or Trump, he would support Clinton, because we need to stop Trump. He said that from day one, and that’s the answer he gave every time someone asked him if he would support Hilary. So these people calling him a sellout either don’t follow Bernie at all or have long term memory issues.

Exactly. He has consistently stated that the most important goal is to defeat the Republicans this fall. I remember him saying at the beginning of his run that should Hillary win the nomination, he would support her, and I’m glad he stuck to his word. This is why he ran as a Democrat in the first place. Had he run third party, he might as well be handing the White House keys to Trump.

A lot of those tweets look like Repub plants trying to sow dissent. Sure some are going to feel angry and betrayed but the idea that Bernie supporters would turn on a dime to support Trump is unrealistic.

No doubt about it.

If the definition of a sell out is someone who does exactly what they stated they would do hundreds of times before they do it, then yes he’s a total f’in sell out !

He’s a Democrat being a Democrat. If he ever sold out under this logic, he did it when he ran under the Democratic banner.

I know it’s old-fashioned, but people used to have a sense of humor about these things…

tbh Bernie had been attacking (vigorously) Hillary pretty recently. He had also been going after the DNC and corruption. I was really surprised that he didn’t tone down the level of his rhetoric once the writing was on the wall for the primary. And even if he didn’t concede he could have started take steps to bring the party back together. I can understand the Bernie supporters needing a little time to come to their senses.

But this happened in the GOP earlier. I thought it was going to be the GOP that entered the convention split and fighting and they have grudgingly rallied behind Trump. It will be interesting to see what happens on the democratic side after the #NeverHillary crowd has had time to accept that Bernie isn’t the candidate.

I did have to point out that Trump was much worse than Hillary to someone (from the Bernie camp) today. The only argument that he made was based on a speech that convinced him that Trump was much better for world peace than the warhawk Hillary. Ummm…

[quote=“Abacus”]tbh Bernie had been attacking (vigorously) Hillary pretty recently. He had also been going after the DNC and corruption. I was really surprised that he didn’t tone down the level of his rhetoric once the writing was on the wall for the primary. And even if he didn’t concede he could have started take steps to bring the party back together. I can understand the Bernie supporters needing a little time to come to their senses.

But this happened in the GOP earlier.[/quote]
There’s a primary campaign strategy known as the “11th Commandment”, which goes “Thou shalt speak no ill of a fellow party member”. This used to he the dictum of the GOP, and they adhered to it for years, only dropping it in the last few election cycles. The Dems have not followed it at all. I think it’s a valuable strategy, and I wish the Dems would take it to heart. Making serious attacks on fellow party members hurts the party’s eventual nominee and gives ammunition to the opposition.

What’s the big deal??

Who don’t like a little yardbird every now and then???

Although me myself, I’m more of a Popeye’s guy

but, you know, frigging democracy…

Sorry, to more accurately address the OP.

You really want to Make America Great Again??

See, THAT’S a team we can get behind!

[quote=“Rocket”]What’s the big deal??

Who don’t like a little yardbird every now and then???

Although me myself, I’m more of a Popeye’s guy

but, you know, frigging democracy…[/quote]

For the undecided…

(featuring the late and VERY great Kevin Kavanagh on the piano)

[quote=“Rocket”]Sorry, to more accurately address the OP.

You really want to Make America Great Again??

Some people seem to have a great ability to misinterpret my posts.

Reporting the simple fact that Sanders endorsed Hillary (and that many Bernie supporters feel betrayed) does not mean I’ve endorsed Trump. Of course, Trump may benefit if a large number of Bernie supporters decide to vote for Green Party candidate Jill Stein, which I think is likely. I would like to suggest that if liberal-minded young people don’t trust Hillary, that’s Hillary’s fault, not Jill Stein’s, not mine, and not even Trump’s.

As for who I think will be a better president, Hillary or Trump, that’s a bit like asking me if I’d prefer death by gunshot or guillotine. Fortunately, I don’t have to choose, I’m not even eligible to vote in US elections. So I have the luxury of leaving the dismal choice to others. A nice cop-out, I know, but it’s the best one I’ve got.

I think that’s the part that’s been blown out of proportion here. I don’t think there’s that many Bernie supporters who feel betrayed by his endorsement of Clinton. Sure you could find some anecdotal stories here and there, and if you stick a microphone in someones face on the street and ask them maybe they will say it, but I would imagine for the most part Bernie supporters understand that getting a Democrat in the White house is still important for a slew of reasons. I’m a Bernie supporter, I don’t feel betrayed.

I wouldn’t fault Hillary for that, as she hasn’t actually done anything to earn that reputation. That reputation is the result of 25 years of Republican smears and media sensationalism.

I wouldn’t fault Hillary for that, as she hasn’t actually done anything to earn that reputation. That reputation is the result of 25 years of Republican smears and media sensationalism.[/quote]

Your mind is a closed system.