Scam alert: collect or buy ATM cards

I’m seeing a lot of facebook ad saying that they will collect or buy your ATM card. If you see it kindly report it.

If you give or sell them your ATM card or bank book, they will use it for money laundering, and YOU WILL GO TO JAIL.

Do not do this.

I see none of this on my facebook.

I saw it once and I reported it and it keeps popping up.

But seriously don’t do it. It pops up on the news every now and then. If you give away your bank book to someone else and they use it for money laundering, you’re going to jail too.

I have lots of ATM cards if anyone wants them.

my facebook marketplace is just full of ads for fleshlights

all i look up is motorcycles

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I get lots of clothes and scams. Not sure what they have to do with each other or me. At least the clothes are vaguley interesting. I always report the scams. Always. Perhaps FB thinks I like them. Seriously, though, after all my clicks; FB is still unable to show me compelling ads. It’s quite surprising.