Scams on Customs Fees

Didn’t know this was a problem.

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Lots of SMS scams going around about deliveries, hoping that you will click on the attachment, which presumably gives them access to data on your phone.

And of course, 99% of the time, you are not expecting any delivery in any case, having not ordered anything.

Bit like the scam callers in Australia and elsewhere who pretend to be from the Taxation Office (but with thick Sub-continent accents), telling you that you have a Tax debt and demanding that you pay it today. Then they tell you to go and buy I-Tunes cards for that value and read them the numbers.

The Tax Office in Australia have been advertising in many places telling people that they never ring and demand payment. Unfortunately many of the victims are elderly and are easily caught out. So if you have elderly relatives, tell that not to open any such message or hang up the phone, and then tell you about it.

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These delivery/customs scams have been a huge problem in the UK too, throughout the pandemic. For a while I was getting one of these texts once a month or more, claiming I had a package coming in and needed to pay fees.

Since most people are ordering stuff a lot more, I can see some people falling for it assuming it must be for one of their legit deliveries.

The US has the exact same problem (the iTunes cards). Only there is almost always a threat of arrest.

I’m about ready to stop having a phone number. I got six scam texts yesterday and ZERO messages from anyone I cared about. I have made a number of medical appointments where I didn’t get a confirmation text, probably because I always “report junk” and the system that the office is using also uses the same spoofed number. One time I got a car insurance reminder from the same number as my dentist.

One of those late night hosts talked about robocalls and how Congress (in the US) could pass a law to block them, but when it didn’t pass, the frequency of spam calls went through the roof. He even set up a robocall to call select congresspeople and play bagpipes every hour, reminding them that its their fault the bagpipes are possible. And yet here we are.

My brother in the U.S. has not answered his home phone for the last 20 years due to robocalls. The only way I can reach him is to listen to his answering message and then talk for awhile hoping he hears my voice then he will pick up the phone. We have been doing this for years…

Fortunately, in Australia, the scam calls seem to be limited (so far) to Landline phones - I have never received one on my Mobile. So I unplug the Landline (I don’t need it, but it comes free with the Internet) and only plug it in to make a (free) outward call.

The scams I have encountered in Taiwan are oddly enough consistently linked to a company called “DHL” which collects hefty additional fees from me when sellers abroad use them.

When ordering from Japan, I’ve now made the habit to ask—politely, of course—if it is possible for them to use EMS via Japan Post. The goods arrive swiftly and without incident—and without me being shaken down in the process. :slightly_smiling_face:



I have also noticed over the past few months that Google (for Android Phone users) seems to be running incoming SMS through a spam filter, and then reports those that fail their tests as such and removes them from the SMS app, while giving a notification. Its working well, none have slipped though on my phone since that started.


And just after I finished typing, what appears, an SMS detected as spam by Google!!

Hey I’m trying to contact you! :rofl:

If I wanted to do so, I would do it via forumosa. The scammer wasn’t me! :slightly_smiling_face:


Its fairly easy. You call the official office to confirm, or dont click shit. Its much like not picking up a red hot dish because someone told you the food you ordered is ready. Just dont. Ever. Government can be reached if important…

It is very sad watching elderly/mentally unwell folks get scammed. 2 days ago at the post office the head was convincing an old guy not to transfer 1.2 million. Calling the “relatives” number and everything. The guy had tears in his eyes telling the elderly man it breaks his heart everytime they give someone money just to have it “stolen”. Gotta say, made me a bit watery as well…just listening to it. Hard to not feel sad for these naive folks trying to do the the right thing only to get fucked. But for everyone else, NEVER open/click/etc anything. Ever. Call the bank, government, hospital, mechanic or whatever the scam is directly. Via phone number you searched out yourself, not one the scammer provided…

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DHL in taiwan is a legal scam in itself haha. I agree, +1 EMS.


Yep. Never call a number thy provide, search the Internet for the Company’s number and if you cant find it then dont call what they gave you.


I am not a happy camper right now.

A book I purchased last month through amazon was shipped to me by an individual seller using DHL. After a long delay, I inquired with the seller and got a tracking number, and saw that DHL claimed they had attempted delivery (this is a lie; it’s an office address and deliveries are never “refused” there as they claimed) and were now sending the book back to the seller in the US. I called them immediately to plead to actually deliver the book, which I emphasized was NOT commercial matter for resale it was simply for me to read. No dice, they claimed there was nothing they could do, and even though the book was sitting in Taipei they were sending it back as per their standard operating procedure.

Is there a shittier delivery company than DHL in Taiwan? Expensive service, and a complete and utter waste of my time as I did not get what I had ordered—the only time this has ever happened to me using amazon.

I have vowed to never, ever give DHL my business. I would also advise anyone I know to avoid this terrible company too.



I hate FedEx because everything no matter the price is taxed. A turntable was sent to me with a 1200nt tax (original price being 200usd) which is highway robbery.

Then I find the same turntable sold in a japanese platform for 10,000 yen, a quarter of what the guy paid for the turntable.

Yeah I never use them. I have done a few years back but too high a price and complex for off shaped items.

If there is, I haven’t ever heard of them. DHL is shit.

Don’t blame Taiwan. Blame DHL. Also publicly embarass them, but keep it factual. Fucktards like them deserve to be publicly blasted. But never falsely or with personal opinion (truly, a hard task!!!). They fuck enough people to have the public legitimately shame them just by describing reality.

Edit. I don’t like FedEx either :smiling_face_with_tear: