Science fiction: Utopian or dystopian?

Yes, very good. Too bad the movie was crap.

I enjoy them as an adult. I plow through them every few years.

I need a color eReader to enjoy the art though. I assume itā€™s color in the print edition.

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Interesting that itā€™s held up for you. Iā€™ve been meaning to reread it for a while. I read Tehanu when it came out and didnā€™t care for it.

The movie was disappointing.

Isaac Asimovā€™s Foundation series was good. Robert Heinlein had some great books, like Starship Troopers,
but some of the later ones dragged on.

The Stainless Steel Rat series by Harry Harrison was a fun read in high school. I usually like sci-fi for the action than the social commentary.

If you like Lord of the Rings, then you like Dune. This statement is ineluctable fact. Just try and read it from a different perspective.

The hook of Dune is less science gadget, and more hypothesizing human potential. What can we do if weā€¦

Also, check out Stephen Kingā€™s Dark Tower series if you havenā€™t, itā€™s his best.

I donā€™t think that anybody loves Star Trek, m8.

When was the last time you read it? Because I recently gave it a go after about 40 years and couldnā€™t stand the writing style this time around. Loved it when I was 10.


I had the exact same experience. I actually started wondering if I was reading the same version of the book. The story is a good one, but Tolkienā€™s writing gets pretty tedious.


Yeah. Itā€™s the universe he created, the detail, and the storyline that makes it a classic. The writing style really isnā€™t great.

If only heā€™d been as good of a writer as C.S. Lewis.

Yeah, that was awful. I knew a guy on a Tolkien forum who deliberately took a contrarian stand on everything in LotR: Gandalf was an evil schemers, Elves were racist Nazis who were trying to dupe hobbits into taking down that noble Sauron etc.
He did it for the giggles; LeGuin did it for real in Tehanu (I loved the Earthsea trilogy, still like it.)


Absolutely agreed.

Thatā€™s kind of brilliant. :grin:

The Cosmic Trilogy is well worth reading, not least for the caricature of people playing at being scientists which is extremely relevant today (C.S.Lewis would probably have been tickled by the existence of an actual quango in the UK called N.I.C.E.).

Some people might be put off by the religious theme and occasional bouts of moralizing, but the story stands up well despite being 80 years old.

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The movie is brilliant in its own way IMO.

I love Tehanu too.

Wow, didnā€™t see that one coming.

Really liked Out of the Silent Planet and That Hideous Strength; Perelandra had too much purple prose for me.

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There are 11 or 12 ExForce books now. He has four more scheduled.

The Bobiverse trilogy has a sequel coming out tomorrow, finally. Dennis Taylor has a little homage to Skippy in the new one.

That was deliberate. Hollywood wanted to rape Heinleinā€™s conservative ideals.

I like how the Skippy ended up in Cyberpunk 2077.

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