Scooter License in Taiwan

What is the process (cost) to get a license? I have a motorcycle license in Canada. Should I get an International License or just take the test in Taiwan? Any advice?

The cost is next to nothing and the test is a joke. Get a Taiwan License if you have an ARC.

I will not have an ARC…can I ride my wife’s scooter (she will have an ARC) with an international license?


There have been many posts with similar questions. Have a look in the index/sticky of key topics first. I think you’ll find all that you need in there. [url]Index of key / sticky topics: please read first

If you don’t have an ARC, you won’t be able to do anything official, including being in the National Health plan or getting a driver’s license. Bring your international driver’s permit.

Not that I recommend it, and it’s entirely illegal, but I rode for 3 years without any kind of license at all. At your own risk. If you have an IDP, though, that should be enough for any police you may encounter, which isn’t highly likely anyway, depending on how you ride.

Get an international license so you’ll be legal from day one.

If your wife has an ARC then there shouldn’t be any reason that you can’t get an ARC (JFRV - joining family resident visa). And when you get an ARC then you can apply for the car/moto license (do both at the same time).

If your wife has an ARC, you can get a dependent one (I did). Thenya van get a license.

If her work is unfamiliar with the dependent ARC, dont be discouraged. My wife’s work was too, but its as simple as cuttin butter with a hot knife. Takes a few weeks.

Thanks for all your comments and suggestions. Will look into options including a JFRV

the AAA international license is good enough.
just have to show on it that it works for motorcycles as well as cars, which the AAA one does.
the cops will give you a ticket, 600NT (for running the red light, or whatever) then another ticket for not having a license, 3000NT. Then you have to go to the DMV to show that you have the international license, and they will rip up the 3000NT ticket.

if you have an ARC, you need to take the english test, 30 minutes, easily passible if you skim the manual.
then take the practical test, on your scooter. you need a 125cc scooter to take the test on for a 125 license.
if you take the car driving test, it also includes a 50cc scooter with your car license. The car license and 125cc license are 2 separate things, and you will need to take the practical test twice.