“Scotland is the worst performing small country in Western Europe, according to a report by business leaders.” - Spoilt pricks who’ve never done a hard day’s work.
“The FSB Scotland index examined countries with fewer than nine million people, including Norway, Iceland and the Republic of Ireland.” - and they still came bottom.
“The index showed Glasgow City is the worst performing local authority area in Scotland” That’s fair enough, it is a bit of a dump.
[quote=“Elegua”]A lot of places these days would be recorded as worse performing than Ireland - have you read the news in the past 10yrs regarding the Irish economy?[/quote]Of course not, who in these forums actually knows what they’re talking about ? I posted it for a laugh and to start a fight between the Irish and Scots, again not unlike most of the posts in here.
I take it as a matter of faith to never much clash with my commonwealth cousins.
Far better to menace the loathsome pohmmie bahsterds, and their sassenach comeuppance.
The whole original article was an obviously limp-wristed Saxon attempt to sap our precious bodily fluids.