Hi. Currently looking for a Chinese tutor in Taiwan for online classes. It would be wonderful if the classes focus on storytelling in some way(not reading characters but a story could be assigned as reading homework). These stories can be for adults or children or improvised by thetutor.
Try 說好 “Shuo Hao” in Da An. They do in-person but maybe online too. If you do one-on-one the teacher will most likely be fine customizing a lesson plan to suit whatever your goal is.
How about Fu-Lan?
She is a tutor with 10+ years experience including teaching at universities. Nowadays, she is mostly focussed on one-to-one online classes. Her focus is mostly on getting people from beginner/intermediate level to advanced in terms of speaking.
She is also a storyteller. Check out her podcast and YouTube:
Podcast: Fulan speaking
It sounds like you’re looking for someone who teaches with TPRS (“teaching proficiency through reading and storytelling”, which is basically co-creating stories using specific sentence structures and vocabulary and making sure there are dozens of reps of that language in a single class period), not a traditional teacher/language program.
I’m not sure if anyone in Taiwan does TPRS Chinese classes, as people who teach Chinese with TPRS overwhelmingly tend to be Americans (and maybe Europeans?) who looked back on their own Chinese learning experience and said “there has GOT to be a more efficient way to learn/teach this language!” But since they’re (we’re) not native speakers, most people looking to learn Chinese in Taiwan see working with them (me? us?) as a non-starter. “Living in Taiwan = better work with a native speaker” is the attitude of most people in Taiwan that I try to sell TPRS/CI/“story asking” to. People in the US and Europe, however, tend to not care so much about that, as long as they’re using the language in every class and seeing obvious improvement without needing to go home and memorize mindlessly long lists of words.