Seismically-Active locales prove ideal for nuclear reactors

Just when you thought it was safe to live on ilha formosa…

Caught a documentary on TV the other night about active volcanic vents discovered over the last few years on the seabed around Turtle Ilsand.

Later in the show they interviewed an anti-nuke protester who expalined that with seismically active vents around the island of Taiwan, particularly those concentrated towards the North-East, it was folly at best to construct and maintain nuclear power plants here. Scarier still was his assertion that the location of #4 is well within an area that could be badly destabilized in a mid-level earthquake caused by increased activity from said vents…

Oh Taiwan, how I am reasurred to know the powers that be have all of our health and welfare at the heart of profit-making ideaology. I can just see the movie of the week now - The little island-country (that wasn’t) irradiated and becoming a kingdom of radioactive roaches… hey wait a minute, maybe that’s already happened…