selling silver

Where is the best place to sell silver in Taipei?

Probably Truney near Q Square

thanks. what type of store or establishment is Truney? Is there a full name? Do they have stores that primarily just buy and sell silver and gold like in the US?

Its the only store I know of that you can walk in and buy/sell silver, gold coins and bullion in Taiwan.

Their prices fluctuate by the market but the spread is decent. Haven’t found anything better than Truney so if you find something please share.
They have a price list of what they buy Buillion at and different coins, but it changes probably weekly.

They have a physical store, you can read their website in English.
I don’t think collecting Silver is popular in Taiwan.

What are you looking to sell?

thanks for that. i did not see an “english” tab to view the website so i emailed them. It is good to know that something like that exists. I am traveling to Taiwan in the fall for some months and will need to sell my american silver eagle one ounce coins for expenses. Since silver is pretty low now, i wanted to have the option of taking the silver there and selling it instead of selling it all here.

There are several stores in different places. Usually, where you find one there are three or four nearby.
You can search on Google Maps for 珠寶店 Zhu Bao Dian or 黃金回收 Huan Jin Hui Shou.
These things aren’t that hard to find :sunglasses:

Oh right, I may have use Google translate on the website. It works well for their site.

Ricarte are those just regular jewelry stores or do they sell silver/gold bars?

i emailed them and they responded to my questions in english . thanks for the contact. It turns out that there price for a silver
eagle is the same as here using the current conversion rate.

Ur welcome

They are regular jewelry shops who also buy/sell gold and silver.
I’m not sure if they sell bars, as I only sold some pieces of jewelry and didn’t but anything…