Senior bracelet with SOS call

Hello, we live abroad and we have an elderly relative in Taiwan living alone. We start to worry about the possibility that she can fall and there is nobody to call.
Can you suggest where to start looking for a bracelet that can make an SOS call?
We will be in Taiwan within few months, so there is a possibility that we can be there to install the thing, but even paying a subscription for a service and doing it earlier than “few months” would be good. Thank you

Apple Watch has this feature.

My grandmother who lives alone wears a whistle on a string around her neck, and the neighbors know that if they hear the whistle then she needs help. In terms of an SOS call bracelet, maybe look into a cheap android smart watch, but the issue is that the person would need to remember to charge it and put it back on almost everyday. There do seem to be special SOS smart watches, but no idea how well they work. You could check out this one:

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I just did a Google translation for, SOS fall detection device, (sos 跌倒偵測裝置) and a lot comes up.

My mother lives in a nursing home and her roommate falls easily so they even have an alarm that goes off if she stands up.
Seems like there are many devices.

The government has set up a home alert service for seniors, will alert them if the person in question for not move on a while and of course, it has two way communication in case of emergency.

There are several private service providers too, including garden variety cable companies, under the home security systems.

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