Serious Political Pictures

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Cue the conspiracy theories.


His side said so.


That’s not how conspiracies work.

Yeah kind of ruins it if they give away the plot.

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Or if it’s not even a plot, but simply how things work.

Reality is a conspiracy!

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Ah yes, I have always had trouble grasping the way things are

So Presidential!


Certainly hope you put your money where your mouth is and avoid casting a mail-in-ballot during your stay in Taiwan :slight_smile:

I have no choice, unfortunately.

Believe me, the stories are legend of cash and original art somehow not making their way to addressees. Of USPS employees with garages or rooms filled with sacks of mail not delivered so they could avoid overtime.

Anybody who thinks the USPS in 2020 is some kind of mail delivery exemplar is sadly delusional, I’m afraid.

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