Settling Down in Taiwan

Hi guys; my girlfriend and I are planning to get married in January 2011. I was telling her about Forumosa and she suggested that I ask this question on here. I am ethnically Indian though I was born in South Africa and she is Taiwanese. We have seen one interracial couple similar to us in our time in Taiwan and I was wondering if any of you guys know of any other couples that could offer us some advice on what to expect in the future as far as the different cultural issues, expectations and so forth?

I have an Indian friend who is married to a Taiwanese woman and they live here. Send me your email address and I’ll put you in touch.

(Very, very occasional rude remarks on the street, but you learn to not listen to the ignorant. It is rare, anyway.)

I have an Indian friend who married a man from Taiwan and got nothing but love and acceptance from people on this side. Getting her traditional (Sikh) family to accept him took longer, but he was such a great guy eventually her father came around. Happy ending.

Many Indians can pass for Taiwan aboriginals, you might not look that out of place.

So you’re those “Chindians” I keep hearing so much about…

But what kind of astrology will the children believe? And will they be raised to sing Karaoke or Bollywood? Bap re bap!

Thanks for the help guys; I am not quite a bollywood Indian having been born in South Africa whose parents also live in Ireland but as for Astrology… who knows?

Ghandi hung around in SA too didnt he?

He did indeed but it was way before my time. I would say most South African Indians aren’t as conservative as Indians from India hence some of the cultural philosophies aren’t quite followed so strictly in SA.

Which is probably a good thing.

Yep, until he got tossed off a train for being in the wrong section. Still in the Apartheid days (actually a bit before it became law) when he was hanging around there.
So…not really a good point for us (Saffas). :blush:

[quote=“kage”](Very, very occasional rude remarks on the street, but you learn to not listen to the ignorant. It is rare, anyway.)

I have an Indian friend who married a man from Taiwan and got nothing but love and acceptance from people on this side. Getting her traditional (Sikh) family to accept him took longer, but he was such a great guy eventually her father came around. Happy ending.
Well, that can happen to any mixed couple in Taiwan. But it is very rare. I find that no one pays us any mind when it’s just me and the missus, but it’s a different story when we have the boy with us.

I look like what I am , eurasian, and do get a fair bit of attention (or did in the old days, less so now because Taipei is more cosmopolitan now) on Taiwan. I didnt get any more attention then when just by myself when I was with my TW girlfriend, but did get a lot more attention when i was with my philippino gf. Funny that.

Indian male with TW female may get less attention then Indian female with TW male perhaps. But you will soon be right at home. TWnese are just curious typically not filled with malice.

I know many Indians who are married locally, several who have married other Indians, and a few where the husband is Indian and the wifeys anglo saxon. There is a large enough Indian community here.

I know a few Indians with local wives. No big deal. If the family accepts you, the society will automatically welcome you.

Guys, it is GANDHI…I can’t understand why people misspell his name…the GA is exactly like in Garden…no one writes GHARDEN. OT ofcourse.

[quote]Many Indians can pass for Taiwan aboriginals, you might not look that out of place.


All Taiwanese can pass as Indians (from the north east). How does that matter??? It is not about looks.