
[quote=“SuchAFob”]I find it to be troublesome. Abuse is abuse. it is not dependent on the gender of the abuser. I find it to be sad that men are willing to accept abuse from women. A woman who abuses is just as sick as a man who does.

As far as the girls getting discounts, this is usually done because men only have interest in a club full of women. Women don’t much care. It is better for business to have a club with more men than women. Sexist, yes. But a good business practice, none the less.[/quote]

There was a Korean film…我的野蠻女友,I think it was over-exaggerate about the abuse from girls.
It made many people think having a gf like that is not bad.
Strange eh.

The movie was 40 Days.

I was also quite shocked in Vagina Monologues when a young girl spoke about her abuse from her dad…and then how an older woman took her and gave her a lot to drink (even though she protested) and then had sex with her (even though the girl wanted to go home) and all my friends were applauding it and going YEAH! Imagine if it was a man that did that?

Sure, it made her feel good in the end, but that’s not the point is it?

I agree about that monologue. The feminist communities I subscribe to are split on the subject and I understand the point about it being un-PC and being used to break PC barriers and all, but I still feel it is about child molestation and child molestation should never be PC or acceptable.