
I think I have a different idea of it. I suspect a difference in definitions being the main reason for this argument.

The way I see it, a sex tourist is just here to enjoy the sex industry for a short while. A sexpat is someone actually living and working here for the long term in part to engage in all of the above. Does that make sense?

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We may need a new term.

This is the definition I looked up when this discussion caught my eye:

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I found this definition, which aligns a bit more with what I think when I think sexpat.


Indeed. And, unfortunately, we need to add skin colour. Some women prefer white guys. Maybe Hollywood’s to blame, but it is a fact.

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I consider this sort of the pre-internet type of sexpat. The “classic,” as it were. A generational difference?

This may need a new thread. Although I don’t really think it worth discussing in depth…

Who’s our mod here again?

Some do, a lot don’t. Most women prefer handsome and tall and well off guys everywhere .

OK, it’s a fair cop. :business_suit_levitating:

Actually, what I mentioned above about ABCs/ABTs doing it up expat style here still stands. Some Taiwanese girls don’t trust white men anymore, after hearing horror stories from friends or getting burned themselves, but since ABCs and ABTs seem “safer” and more familiar, while still offering the excitement of a westernized man, they’ll often opt for that route.

I’d say it’s about an even split these days, looking around the club. Leery white men and leery Southern Californian Asians. Plus those ABCs and ABTs almost all reliably come from wealthier families, and/or are on stable career paths.

That does seem to be a recurring theme.

Ugly, unpleasant, rich men also do well. Trump, for example.

That is the mental image I have of a sexpat: a leery, icky,overbearing and entitled married and middle aged jerk who hits on anything that moves and throws money/guanxi/privileges around. Yucky.

When I used to go bars and clubs I would bump into the same guys at the venue every week who there to pick up. They weren’t middle aged though, they were invariably in their 20s.

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i disagree with this whole sex pat nonsense, and its kind of offensive. guys are not travelling here for sex. thats a local stereotype i would not expect expats to also carry. sure some guys are making a hobby out of having sex with a lot of girls sure, but hey so are the local guys. what i take issue with is singling out the foreigners, the locals are getting away with just as much shenanigans or worse.

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Carnegie’s on Ladies Night still gets a fair few gentlemen of a certain age, doesn’t it? I’ve never been, but that’s what I’ve heard.

Anyway, just because a chap’s gone a bit to seed doesn’t mean he should be excluded from the dating game.

I don’t think anyone is singling out (obvious) foreigners, at least not anyone who really knows what’s going down. Western born Asian men prowl around here for the same purpose — they can’t really get any in America, so they come here and instantly they’re more attractive and exotic for having been to the gym three times and being fluent in English and familiar with western culture.

The thing that makes a sexpat different from your average dog looking to smash as many chicks as possible before he dies is that they experience a markedly higher success rate, and with more attractive women on average, in a foreign country than they do in their country of origin, and that that’s something they considered when choosing to (s)expatriate.

That’s the way I see it, at least.

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Those are wanna sexpat…unless they are missing a few marbles.

Locals get away … until they don´t. Same with foreigners. Lots of leeway, like driving without a license…until a light post comes along.

maybe because of getting slandered in the media everytime anything negative happens in the news? what kind of backwards country puts ‘yang chang’ in the news on tv (where kids can see even) about foreigners? thats not even the worst i’ve seen. not to mention all the stereotypes pushed by taiwanese guys who seems to have a problem with outsiders taking ‘their’ women as if taiwanese women are someone elses property.

and you keep mentioning these ‘leery white men’ as if there are no ‘leery’ asian men around. take a look around you there are plenty. especially wealthy ones who expect to be able to treat people like shit just because they have some money.


Trying to pick people up makes you a sexpat? This is news to me. :astonished:


Or maybe because of bad personal experiences, like I said in the latter half of that sentence that you quoted.

I did mention leery asian men. Many times over!