"ShareWithCare": Telekom raises awareness for responsible use of children's photos on the Internet

Without Consent
We are happy to share pictures - whether of holidays, celebrations and private moments - directly with each other.
That’s beautiful and connects us.
However, once online, this personal data is available worldwide and indefinitely.
And that can have unforeseen consequences. Which one is described using the example of Ella.
In order to prevent abuse, we are all called upon.
To strengthen our media literacy, to review our own approach to data protection and data security and thus to avert unwanted damage from the outset.
When handling sensitive data, special care and attention must be taken.



Exaggeration. Even if you don’t post pictures of your kids online, strangers could still very well take pictures of them in a crowd in any public place.

What? Are you pro-mask or something? :laughing:

Huh? How did you get that from my comment? I said the video was an exaggeration. I am pro-post-pictures-of-your-kids-online.

Sense of humor and an imagination that was set loose long ago. :idunno:


That is much more limited than anyone with internet having access to public pictures uploaded by unsuspecting parents. The photographer has to be in the same general area to take a picture. This could also be observed and avoided by the guardian.
Then laws protect people from publicly posted pictures by others that show them in a ‘bad light/negatively’ through defamation laws.

Most fraudsters use the easiest route. If one person does not have a lot of public information available, they will simply move to the next one. Don’t be an easy target.

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What a message! :clap:

I know it’s almost impossible to not have any kind of digital history. But it doesn’t have to be inexistent, just hard enough to make it harder for people with bad faith.


It also applies to sharing pictures that other people have posted, doesn’t it? So it doesn’t really matter whether someone takes the picture themselves, or takes it from someone else’s social media.