Shimen to Kenting solo walk

It’s so people don’t step on the few remaining land crabs.

People die on teapot mountain every year. But then its covered in do no enter signs that everyone ignores.

Wonder if @Bree has any after-thoughts to share about the walk?

What prompted this?
Don’t do it in summer. Keep your pack light. Go ahead and whack that asshole dog with a pipe and don’t take any crap. You’ve waked 20 km already today and the feral shits don’t reason.
Oh and foot massages are good.
Oh and don’t drink beer when dehydrated


Your walk frequently pops my mind and I lost the thread and accidentally found it today.

I thought about it many times but finding the thread prompted it today.

I’ve been considering doing some walking trips but haven’t yet pulled my act together.

Now is the season before it gets too hot or rainy.

I think my main take away is to not have a goal or deadline. I feel like I missed so much by trying to accomplish distance each day. So many detours I would have otherwise taken.