Shinzo Abe assassinated by lone gunman

Not looking good either. Early reports saying he was shot with a shotgun? Insane. Looks like they already have caught someone of interest.

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Holy fuck. Even Japan is going bonkers.

Given his politics (extremely hawkish against China/pro-Taiwan and US) I bet it was some left-wing/China sympathiser nutjob who did it. It could be a foreign assassination too but I doubt it.


Yep, could have been homegrown or foreign.


Most seem to have been done by ultranationalists or right-wingers, to borrow the current term.

Sad to hear of this, as other news says it was 3 meters close and with shotgun.

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The idea of it being homegrown can’t be easily dismissed, as the four-year (4…coincidence?) anniversary of the execution of the leader of Aum Shinrikyo was just a couple of days ago (but also on Friday):

without further info, ascertaining who did it is really like shooting in the dark. This theory might have legs though. At the very least it is quite the coincidence.

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He doesn’t even hold any kind of office right now. Why shoot him if you are a China sympathizer? Wouldn’t that just raise alarm over China without actually achieving anything? I guess you can explain it away with the nutjob part…

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He’s dead btw.

He was still quite powerful in the party and he was very outspoken about Taiwan so I wouldn’t rule it out at all.

It’s the same thing as that Taiwanese church shooting tbh.


The crazed Japanese lone wolf is nothing new. When I lived there in the 90’s there were a couple of school incidents, one where the guy was decapitating children and leaving the victims heads outside schools. Japanese society (just like a lot of others) tends to shun children who are difficult to accept as being part of their culture and they end up being locked up at home. This causes problems down the line. They also have a very bizarre honour system which causes no end of arguing and disputes when people believe the system to have been abused. My money is on the killer having some kind of perceived personal grudge. Using a shot gun is unusual in Japan because a) guns are hard to find and b) it’s not a very honourable weapon of choice. They prefer to use a blade.


honestly the gun looks homemade


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Looking at the clip of the shooting it looks like the shooter missed and was able to shoot again and hit.

Japan doesn’t really give much of a toss about China these days. I don’t think they have much left/right wing extremist malarkey either.

Where did you get that info? As of now NHK does not say that (1;10pm Japan time) on the live news feed.


At this point it could be anyone. Talking about sympathizers, it could also be a Korean.

Sounds dead.

It only takes one person who gives a lot of toss about China these days to kill.

I saw it somewhere, but I guess they haven’t announced it.

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Reports are he is not showing vital signs.

A clearer image, indeed looks homemade

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PRC propaganda out already:

Why couldn’t this happen to Xi… or Putin… instead?


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