Shortest route (walking)

what is the shortest route (walking) from grand palace hotel to National Revolutionary Martyrs’ Shrine ? TIA

Google maps

They’re virtually next to each other…

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Perhaps the question is from the fact that Google Maps show that it’s a 5k+ walk despite being, as already stated, literally next door to each other.

Go out the door and down the hill south towards the river. When you get to the park that has the old airplane and various other artillery equipment, hang a LEFT. Walk past the American Club and radio station to your destination - entire route is on a sidewalk.

edited because I figured out what is left and what is right.


don’t you mean left?


(The software believes the above isn’t a complete sentence so frog, plop, road, car, drink.)

Jesus, the OP could have ended up in Tamsui and it’d be on your head. :joy:

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Not only virtually but actually really.

No, there’s the arch of yuanshan in between, whatever that is.

Seems like you’d want to walk between the swimming pool and tennis courts to Beian Road.


The shortest route between two places is a…



Which door? How do we know we are going South? Is South always down hill and is that why they make maps that way?

So, i can walk from Grand Palace hotel to National Revolutionary Martyrs’ Shrine. i’m afraid i might be passing a private road along the way…or is it all public road?

If Google maps shows you a path, it’s usually public. But in Taiwan they don’t shoot you for trespassing, so even walking on a private road should be okay.

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A space bend?

I looked on Google street view, it didn’t look like there was anything that would stop you.

how about this tempogain?

I like this backdoor route personally unless interested in some simple pieces of military equipment at the park.

There’s actually a door on the back and side of the hotel at the coffee and ice cream shop with a nice view to begin the walk.