Should America Bring back Asylums or Build More Jails to Combat Violence and Social Decay?

I’d say yes…if they can be run effectively. But that’s a huge if. So probably no.

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mental health is a huge and growing field in the US. Three square meals and a bed and prozac! Way less client on client rape. Wut wut!

Could re-do all those empty malls. Malls you can’t ever leave. Like an 1980s dream come true, again, with less rape than a prison. I shouldnt have left that out!

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I can see some reasons why mental health is a bigger issue in the US than most developed countries. However, I struggle to see how it’s so different as to explain spree shooting differences.

Not giving people who have evidence of mental health issues assault rifles might be a start. I don’t know though, could be a bridge too far for some.


I’m not sure what you mean. My point is that there were flags on this guy b4 the shooting. he should have been committed for observation. Being batshit crazy in public shouldn’t be a right.

More mental health education would help people, families and friends identify these guys b4 they went off the deep end. It would save lives. You can get released from a looney bin. You can’t get undeaded.

And MH issues that include a verified MH crisis should mean no guns, no ammo in the home and you’re put on a temporary watch list. This is difficult for people to accept, but it is way easier than throwing your hands up and saying ban all guns, because it’s America baby, and that ain’t gonna happen.

Also, you can go nurtz in the head after getting an assault rifle. Although, I’m not a big fan of them to begin with, but I see legit usage, coyotes on ranches and whatnot, break-ins in dangerous neighborhoods, but mostly it’s stupid to own one.

I also don’t know what I mean from what you’ve chosen to quote

There are other places for a discussion like that: WHy does one place have issues with guns and others don’t. I’m trying to focus on the MH aspect, and the MH aspect of most mass shooters is quite telling. They needed help and didn’t get it.

The MH aspect will be universal, of course. Not US specific. It’s certainly a big part of the problem. Allowing a guy who is hearing voices a gun. Well, I don’t know what to say.

I quite agree.

He’s rich AF and she’s an immoral opportunist

As it was: no

As “they” are: no

Given how self gratifying we as a species / group is, I would hope we could manage better systems for the vastly variable mental realities present. Current systems seem shitty. as did previous asylum systems. the only thing to be sure of is that people with psychological unrest do need help. This might mean many things, but probably early education (on intelligence and critical thinking) is the top of the list in my opinion.

As of yet, it remains to be seen if any system has provided anything close to adequate care for those with serious psychological issues. The us surely is a failure, as many nations are. seems modern day logic is drug the fuck out of everyone for profit whilst then sending people self medicating outside the profit system to the gas chamber. I fail to see any improvements, only more massive failures to be honest.

Ok, one for let the roam.

nope. force the Gov to evolve and improve. cluster fuck and cluster fuck shouldnt really keep going unchecked…amazing the immunity these people get.

You think that’s easier than say, opening an asylum for mentally ill people who are dangers to themselves and others?

Did you even read the articles I put up?

did you even read what I actually said :wink: Meant in good spirits, but literally. both sides are literally cluster fucks. Granted the black or white, yes or no type arguments tend to prevail, despite our constant self gratification in intelligence. what I am saying is that that is exactly the retardation that is retarded with people. And it’s not even controversial anymore…

I have no idea what you’re trying to say. :idunno:

OK: Both sides are fucked. simple. there are more sides, angles, whatever than black or white :slight_smile:

as I said already…it was bad back then, and it is still bad. so “bring them back” is frankly as crazy as the people getting tortured decades past. the new style of drug people into oblivion is also fucking stupid. thus, we ought to be smarter. so far, we are doing things kinda fucked up. Unless suicide and mental illness is considered the new norm, but I dont subscribe. fix, not punish.

Well, I wasn’t suggesting anywhere that we bring back the horrific asylums of the past. That would be silly.

Hence my original point:

Basically no. the system was completely bonkers back then, and it still remains completely bonkers.

to be honest, I’m not sure this is even controversial or up for debate (and I know/hope your were posing that as a rhetorical…).

whatever the conversation may be, I think objectively we can all agree there is no current decent solution. at least in practice on scale.

It’s better than jail, which is where lots of these folks will end up when law enforcement becomes a thing again.

Agreed, jail is bad. but that wasnt my point at all. my point was a massive fail. jail would be (is) a massive fail too…obviously.