Should America Bring back Asylums or Build More Jails to Combat Violence and Social Decay?

Dem Mayor says cashless bail is a flop, and we should build more jails.

I’m changing the thread title to broaden the discussion.

Harold Ford Jr. I Thought There Would Be A Benefit To Cashless Bail, I Was Wrong | Video | RealClearPolitics

FORD JR.: I want to – I’m in a solutions business, and some people are not. And that’s fine. If you want to be in the political business, and you want to – you want to lay out your agenda, that’s fine. But you got to hire more cops. You got to pay cops more. You got to train cops better. We have to build more prisons. Why because people should go to jail who commit crimes. They commit crimes with the gun. And if they kill a cop, they should go to jail forever.

it’s been reported that he was committed to the four winds psychiatric hospital for 14 days in July.

2 posts were split to a new topic: Not exactly about asylums

Yep. Wouldnt be surprised is if his insurance coverage only allowed 14 days.

America’s solution to every problem. Build more jails, lock them up. Out of sight, out of mind.

Whether it’s jails or asylum, makes no difference. Just lock them up and keep it away from everyone. That’s the American way.

They can afford 60,000 dollars per person to lock them up but can’t spend half that money to help them.

It makes me wonder if getting rid of “undesirables” is their solution for social harmony.

How? Please explain. Something actually feasible, not pie in the sky generalities.

I can answer this without bothering to read the article… (Sorry JD)

… The real question should be: why are there so many aggressive nutballs in America in the first place?

Answer: because America has been evolving (devolving?) into “an every man for himself society” since they decided to run over and kill the injuns and move West…

People are insane in America. Collectively, and individually. Treatment by psychologists is useless.

What is needed is legislation. First, disarm America. Nobody can own guns but the police.

There is too much social aggression in America that does not exist in other countries. Remove the causes of fear and aggression, and you will have a sane society.

Nowadays, doctor psychiatrists and psychologists (and any kind of shrinks) are mostly time wasters and fakes.

… Virtually all of them take a quick glance and say to themselves, “Oh no, not another one”… And then they hand out the candy: Xanax, Prozac, Ritalin, etc, etc… etc …

Good luck America… I pity you…

When the police can’t even be trusted to not murder someone and get away with it, how do you convince Americans to disarm?

Nothing like a defeatist attitude!

and what paradise are you from?

Also, the article is quite good. I’d give it a go if I were you.

Yes, I will read it. I am not a defeatist. I just don’t understand why America is so unable to do the obvious right things to cure itself…

I just read the article.

The author is a fascist, but that’s no surprise, lol. “A more muscular system” is what he wants. Muscleheads always want that… Thus, addressing the symptoms rather than the causes, which are, according to his research … Drugs and aggression…

…Madness is manufactured by social cycles of inherited poverty and no education, etc, etc…and also, according to this guy, amphetamines… Which is the one part of the article I agree with.

The guy who wrote the article just wants to put everyone on the streets in jail, actually… And call it treatment. So he can take his posh girlfriend for a walk and not have to see any itinerant street loons …

I’d rather remove the drugs and poverty and no education… Or remove infants from poverty-stricken homes before their parents can fuck them up… But that’s too costly, I guess…

Ok, I think we’re done here.

do you mean like china, but without the 60,000 dollars aspect ? :joy:

dont under estimate the job schemes in prison systems either. rock bashing, license plates and what have you.