Should I Contact the Beijing Police?

Everyone here know how much I love all those 911 conspiracy twits. We Are Change is a web-based group that gathers names of people willing to support the idea that the attacks on the World Trade Center Buildings was not doen by Muslim fanatics. Instead they claim the USA is a “tyranny” and, in complex plots so hard to follow that it takes full-time welfare recipients to write about it, murders its own citizens.

Anyway, I have discovered that WAC claims a chapter in Beijing. Check their map.
There’s a contact e-mail listed but I couldn’t get any hits on Google and there’s no Facebook club.

So here’s my question Forumosa Friends. Should I contact the Beijing police and report this as subversive? I could get the guy killed, but then our nut bar friends would really know what happens to 911 Truthers when the government really is a tyranny. Should I go that far just to prove I’m right?

Obviously, no. :unamused:

You are assuming they do not know about it already.

If you have to ask…

There are and there always will be nutjobs on both sides of the fence. :laughing:

[quote=“ScottSommers”]Everyone here know how much I love all those 911 conspiracy twits. We Are Change is a web-based group that gathers names of people willing to support the idea that the attacks on the World Trade Center Buildings was not doen by Muslim fanatics. Instead they claim the USA is a “tyranny” and, in complex plots so hard to follow that it takes full-time welfare recipients to write about it, murders its own citizens.

Anyway, I have discovered that WAC claims a chapter in Beijing. Check their map.
There’s a contact e-mail listed but I couldn’t get any hits on Google and there’s no Facebook club.

So here’s my question Forumosa Friends. Should I contact the Beijing police and report this as subversive? I could get the guy killed, but then our nut bar friends would really know what happens to 911 Truthers when the government really is a tyranny. Should I go that far just to prove I’m right?[/quote]

ok I am lost here. Why would cops in Beijing care about some nuts saying the 9/11 was really a conspiracy or whatever?

9/11 happened in the US why would they care? I don’t get it. :ponder:

They’re probably funding it.

[quote=“ScottSommers”]Everyone here know[sic] how much I love all those 911 conspiracy twits.[/quote]Adding ‘how everyone knows’ how fantastic your research skills undermine your rabid opinions.

[quote=“ScottSommers”]I could get the guy killed[/quote]Whatever stud. One suspects even your spouse chuckles at such threats. For entertainment, let’s go on a limb to say if, if, if by some astronomical chance you could prove a link between WACC and maybe wikileaks organizers, and helped lead Beijing authorities to their location, maybe, maybe, maybe some official in the Ministry of Public Security will care about your communication. Otherwise, on the topic of investigating 9/11, your position still remains just a malignant yet neutered joke.

[quote=“ScottSommers”]Should I go that far just to prove I’m right?[/quote]Even if you had something to do with effectively outing anyone to mainland’s subversion police, it won’t prove anything of the sort. But since you’re still making a stink on the subject, why not try picking up the pieces of your failed research (this makes attempt #17) and try debating why a fact-based investigation into the 9/11 attacks is not justified. Of course that would be so much harder than just hacking up some more personal attacks as a substitute. Anticipating the later, here’s a [url= start for you: some of your colorful snorts recycled[/url].

Somebody here could say you are a spy, or drug dealer , or could say that any of us are…that’s not a cool thing to do to a random stranger.