Should Taiwan return to rule by the Ming descendants?

Should the Mings rule Taiwan.

  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

Koxinga came and led the groundwork of Taiwan. Most of us came along with me (those who consider ourselves Taiwanese), except aborigines. So shouldn’t Koxinga’s descendants or some variation of their people rule the country?
–The Defender Duke

[quote=“DefenderDuke”]Koxinga came and led the groundwork of Taiwan. Most of us came along with me (those who consider ourselves Taiwanese), except aborigines. So shouldn’t Koxinga’s descendants or some variation of their people rule the country?
–The Defender Duke[/quote]

No, the Dutch should run Taiwan. They were here before Koxinga and his band of pirates. Look at the advantages:

  1. Cheap dope.
  2. Cheap whores.
  3. Good gin.
  4. Good beer.
  5. Clean streets.
  6. Clean air.
  7. Clean water.
  8. Cheap dope.
  9. Cheap whores.
  10. Good gin.

I see no downside.

most of the people who arrived in Taiwan with Zheng were relocated to China following the defeat of the Zheng family. In 1690 there were approxamately 7000 to 10,000 people identified as Han living on Taiwan.


Obviously Formosa should belong to the Portuguese. Look at the name.

Then it would be same only with cheap Mateus.