Sir Salman Rushdie Knighthood has its opponenets

Britain has awarded author Salman Rushdie a Knight hood and the usual suspects are out doing what they seem to do best.

Nobody told this group that the USA has nothing to do with ‘Knighthood’

How come these flag-burning madmen can never find a proper Union Flag to burn and yet always have a fairly high-quality Stars and Stripes? I mean what are we paying the Foreign Office for?

And, further, why is that no-one can make a decent effigy these days?
These ill-toothed whippersnappers will burn any old bundle of rags… where’s the quality, the fine workmanship, pride in a job-well done?

Well, honestly… :unamused:

And Pakistan are meant to be allies. One of their ministers said that a suicide bombing in response to the knighthood would be justifiable. As far as I’m concerned, that alone should be sufficient grounds for cutting off military aid to them, at the very least.

[quote=“TainanCowboy”]Britain has awarded author Salman Rushdie a Knight hood and the usual suspects are out doing what they seem to do best.

Nobody told this group that the USA has nothing to do with ‘Knighthood’

What a bunch of maroons. Let them suffer in their own hatred.

It would be surprising if government officials all over the Islamic world didn’t say the same thing. It’s certainly how most Muslims feel. Even an ex-hippy like Cat Stevens, a convert to Islam, has been open in his support for the fatwa to kill Rushdie. He wrote an article a while back explaining his viewpoint, essentially stating that Islamic law is quite clear that anyone who insults Muhammad or any other prophet must die. Kumbaya and all that.

Others suffer for their hatred too. Over seventy people were killed in a hotel fire that was started with the intention to kill Rushdie. The Japanese translator of his book was killed in Tokyo and publisher of the Norwegian version was stabbed (but not killed). Others have been killed or injured in the various riots throughout the years.

It would be surprising if government officials all over the Islamic world didn’t say the same thing. It’s certainly how most Muslims feel. Even an ex-hippy like Cat Stevens, a convert to Islam, has been open in his support for the fatwa to kill Rushdie. He wrote an article a while back explaining his viewpoint, essentially stating that Islamic law is quite clear that anyone who insults Muhammad or any other prophet must die. Kumbaya and all that.[/quote]

I’m not surprised he’s saying that. I’m surprised that there’s hasn’t been more reaction and threats of various kinds by western leaders. You can bet if a minister in Iran or Syria said the same thing, there’d have been a much bigger reaction by the west.

What I think is funny is how the “reactions” from the West to Muslim intolerance often split up along political lines, such as during the Danish cartoons crisis. Conservatives, who normally love nothing better than to stifle dissent with false accusations of treason (“if you’re not for the war, you’re aiding the enemy”), suddenly became champions of free speech. Liberals, who otherwise hold free speech in the highest regard, were falling over themselves in their mad rush to defend to those murderous Muslims calling for the cartoonists’ heads (“we have to respect their religion” and all that).


Could you clean up the pictures? They’re pushing the thread out.

Nah, they screwed Old Glory up too, the blue is too light and the stars haven’t been in straight lines since before Alaska and Hawaii joined. Some nutjob somewhere must have a whole warehouse full of poorly made flags of different countries just for times like this.

Trust the Brits to give a knighthood to someone who has this to say about them:

[quote]It sometimes seems that the British authorities, no longer capable of exporting governments, have chosen instead to import a new Empire, a new community of subject peoples of whom they think, and with whom they can deal, in very much the same way as their predecessors thought of and dealt with ‘the fluttered folk and wild’, the ‘new-caught, sullen peoples, half-devil and half-child’, who made up, for Rudyard Kipling, the White Man’s Burden. In short, if we want to understand British racism-and without understanding no improvement is possible-it’s impossible even to begin to grasp the nature of the beast unless we accept its historical roots. Four hundred years of conquest and looting, four centuries of being told that you are superior to the Fuzzy-Wuzzies and the wogs, leave their stain. This stain has seeped into every part of the culture, the language and daily life; and nothing much has been done to wash it out.

But British thought, British society, has never been cleansed of the filth of imperialism. It’s still there, breeding lice and vermin, waiting for unscrupulous people to exploit it for their own ends.

So what’s it like, this country to which the immigrants came and in which their children are growing up? You wouldn’t recognize it. Because this isn’t the England of fair play, tolerance, decency and equality–maybe that place never existed anyway, except in fairy-tales. In the streets of the new Empire, black women are abused and black children are beaten up on their way home from school. In the run-down housing estates of the new Empire, black families have their windows broken, they are afraid to go out after dark, and human and animal excrement arrives through their letter-boxes. The police offer threats instead of protection, and the courts offer small hope of redress. Britain is now two entirely different worlds, and the one you inhabit is determined by the colour of your skin. [/quote] … empire.htm
The New Empire within Britain

The New Empire within Britain
by Salman Rushdie,
First Published in 1982

“Satanic Verses” was published in 1988.

MikeN - semi relevant post…but giving you the benefit of doubt, here is a more relevant comparison of Rushdie then and Rushgie now. (someone has done your work for you and you didn’t even know it)

Has he been taken out?

I didn’t know he was against free speech.

I think Sky News is just against decent journalism

I hope he makes it. But, to quote a great author, “to be born again, first you have to die”