Site running slow?

Is the site running slow for anyone else? Takes forever to load pages sometimes.


Text is ok. Pictures can take ages and then often fail or remain blank

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No loading problems for me on my mediocre phone and 4G data plan

The site was upgraded yesterday. Please report if you notice any performance issues - they may or may not be related.

We are currently at latest version: 3.3.0.beta3-dev - you can learn more about the releases at this forum on Discourse Meta


post#7 here only loads about 10%

haha, see, it doesnt even load a preview.
is in this thread:

I have site-specific slow loading problems quite occasionally last couple months. No rhythm to it. Not sure if on my side or beyond my control.

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Has been a lot slower than usual for me since before yesterday, maybe a week or two. Very slow loading of threads and images often not loading at all. Same issue on multiple win/apple devices. I’m in the UK though.

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Ditto for me. Also in UK.

Image downloads from are downloaded in chunks but some connections come back with 403 Forbidden

What does it mean?

Server tells the browser it can make multiple connections to download different parts (chunks) of an image. When there are many images, the server gets too many requests from one source and thinks it is malicious, then blocks some of the connections. The result is an incomplete image. Then the browser tries to redownload it again. And gets rate limited again.

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So, an infinite loop of failures? :thinking:

At some point it either resolves, or the browser gives up.

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mine’s apparently giving up a lot today :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

Site is hosted in Singapore? If so maybe the submarine cables are effed up on some lines or something

Unless you try migrating the server over to Vultr on the Tokyo or Osaka server that might be better, less travel distance, ping time is about 50ms i think…

That must be from a very old post, as those are images from hosting. I can look at that, though there’s nothing to be done about it at this point.

Yes. The site and the image bucket are in Singapore. There is a CDN, so those asssets should be served by a local mirror, once someone in a region has requested the file.

It could be that there was an issue with the hardware and that it got migrated to another server.

It could be that there was an issue with the CDN.

Today I was having a problem where I’d be stuck with the blinking dots forever. Clearing my cache once seemed to fix it. I also ran an upgrade and disabled the Hamburger Theme Selector (Link works only for @GooseEgg). And maybe that fixed it?

Now everything seems pretty fast, especially given how far Singapore is from the Florida panhandle.

Please let me know if this issue persists and I’ll take another look.


Since a couple of days the image loading improved and does not get stuck anymore.

No improvement for me. :sob: