An interesting article detailing what might be a viable way to conduct the war in Iraq. I am under no illusions that this will be adopted, But it does present a view with an end.
A rather long read, as it is a bit detailed, but interesting. Put forward by someone with actual experience in the matter.
[url=]Six Steps to Victory:The bottom-up plan to defeat the insurgency.
by Eric Egland, 11/16/2006 12:00:00 AM
IN THIS POLITICAL season, the debate about Iraq has become almost completely backward looking. It has degenerated into finger pointing and partisan sniping–stuck between a false choice of “cut and run” versus “more of the same.”
Failure in Iraq is not an option, because it would spell disaster for U.S. national security and foreign policy credibility, not to mention military morale. Our mission in Iraq continues to move forward, and U.S. forces have successfully defeated the insurgents in several areas, yet the enemy has proven resilient and effective. Thus, we must succeed in Iraq by changing the status quo.
The plans for victory so far have fallen short. They have come, top-down, from the Pentagon or the palaces-turned-coalition
headquarters in Baghdad. Now, American leaders, especially the nominee for secretary of defense, should consider a bottom-up
plan to win that taps the collective grass-roots wisdom of successful battlefield innovators. In particular, there are six course corrections that can be taken almost immediately.[/url]
More comments on the viability of this plan. Again, from people with real-life experience in this type of counter-insurgency warfare.
[url=]Six Steps to Victory
Posted By Blackfive
USAFR Major Eric Egland stopped by my house a month ago to discuss his ideas around six steps to victory in Iraq.
I thought they were very sound. Eric is a good friend, but he wasn’t seeking my approval as much as wanting to get as much feedback as possible, more from our readers on the ground than from me.
His plan has been vetted at various levels, but I know he would really appreciate hearing from the troops in Iraq about this. While no plan survives the battlefield, he’d like to bullet proof it as much as possible.[/url]
Any comments on the 6-Step Plan? It looks like a ‘step’ in the right direction to me for what this war has morphed into.