Slow down on Hinet tonite?

Any one else getting this?

I have three different setups of windows, each one is slow as mud.

Is Hinet SLOW tonite?


Yep, me too.

It’s like dial-up ! Mozilla and IE, both crawling.

no this is slower than dial-up. 28.8 that is. it feels more like 2400 baud modem speed. those were the days. took a couple hours to download a small gif.

what the hell. i noticed it this afternoon already.

My connection is varied at the best of times, but today… :? jeez!

Sorry, must be me using up all the bandwidth downloading erm ‘artistic’ pictures :blush:
It was bad, getting “This page has no data” about 9 times in 10, only seem to have a problem with http.

Yep. Still slow as. And heaps of ‘page not founds’ or whatever, have to keep backclicking and refreshing. Very frustratiing. My wife relies ont he net for her work, and it’s driving her crazy.


I’ve been having problems today too … and both last night and today have had problems signing into MSN Messenger … Yahoo messenger is fine though. Strange …


Your avitar has just made my day. Fick, drink, drink, drink…

Father Ted was the best

I have lost count on how many times I have had to resign in (and even that comes up with an error the first 5 or 6 attempts), but I noticed it slowing down last night when I was downloading pictures from Arghhh!

What is wrong with HINET?

It’s been slow for more than 24hours now.

I’m not getting anything like top speeds. Did they change the configurations somewhere again without telling anyone?

Internet Traffic Report indicates problems, but I don’t quite understand what’s going on: Take a look yourself!


HiNet for me (adsl) has been crawling the past 24 hours. AOL Instant Messenger doesn’t always connect. It’s been horrible. I hope this doesn’t last.

Yah, I know, I want to listen to the BBC!


I gave them a call last night; it was definitely slow. They said a cable had been damaged but whether that was really the case, who knows. The incident last March (or was it 2002?) took weeks to straighten out. I thought the world was full of redundant cable in the wake of global crossing, etc., but that must not apply to Taiwan.

The fact is you’ll never know. HiNet, along with every other ISP in Taiwan, has given that excuse each time there’s been a problem. Once SeedNet gave that excuse to our company, saying that it just wasn’t them but the entire island was “out of Internet” cause some “cable” was “broken”. That lie was immediately revealed when I dialed up throuogh my HiNet account. The Chinese are very good at lying to you in the most spectacular ways, like calling the moon the sun and the sun the moon, and expecting you to go along with it so everyone can just get about the business of saving face. So, whatever they tell you, … it’s probably just a lie to get you to go away and say, “zhe yang zi, huh”.

Surely it was an act of purest optimism to ring Hinet !

Web still unusably slow where I am. I am sure Hinet will offer us a discount on our monthly fee for this lack of service.

Aaarggghhh!!! :imp: :imp: :imp: :imp:

And how come I wasn’t having any problems on ?


So with all the hassles with hinet and looking at the internet traffic report showing hinet server with zero traffic and giga net server working - anyone currently using giga net as an ISP ? What about costs ? ( My 2-year contract with chungwa telecom is about to expire shortly )… would like to look into alternatives… what about seednet ?

Seems a little better tonight, don’t you think?


Given my experience of various Internet services, it would be pure folly to decide on the basis of one outage of service that one ISP is better than another. You’d have to consider the longer term issues. Aslo, next time it could be GIGA that has problems while Hinet doesn’t.

I’ve used Hinet for three years. It’s not been perfect, but it’s a big improvement over my efforts first with Seednet, Asiaonline, Transend, and a stream of others over the years on dialup.

At the end of the day, I chose Hinet for two reasons: 1. they provide all ADSL lines anyway; 2. they have the capacity to develop their products (unlike Transend who just folded when things got tough) and provide better products.
