Small business visas

I am trying to navigate the possibility of setting up a small business in Taiwan. The goal is to get an APRC at the 5 year point while making enough to give some extra money.

My situation is unique in that I don’t really want to spend tons of time and energy, and also don’t really need to make lots of money. No need for the “if you aren’t making 3 million in revenue it isn’t worth it” comments, thank you very much.

We have had a few small businesses before. We would be happy with a profit of around $30-60K NTD per month to help with living expenses.

The problem is the revenue requirement for business visas. In order to get a visa initially, I see one of two routes: the entrepreneur visa, or the regular business visa.

However, both have a revenue requirement of 3 million NTD; the entrepreneur visa after 2 years, and the business visa after 3 years.

I am a huge proponent of understanding the laws and working them to your advantage, while of course obeying the relevant laws.

Is it possible to avoid the revenue requirement by initially getting the Entrepreneur visa, and then switch after 2 years to a business visa by setting up a “new” business?

I know some people have avoided the revenue requirement by working at a regular job for 2 years and then getting a business visa, after which they get an APRC before they need to prove revenue. I am not sure how I feel doing a regular job at this point, but I might do it if necessary.

Input from anyone with any experience in these areas is much appreciated.

@Marco ?

Hi. Here is the CPA I recommend and use. He speaks English. Rates are reasonable.

PM you.