Small Mosquito Killer Device

Anyone know where I can buy a desktop mosquito killing device? Not those big ones that make mosquitos explode, something like that but small sized and portable. Or perhaps those fan sucking ones?

I know those are very accessible to buy online especially from China, but just wondering if anyone knows of local stores that sell an assortment.

It’s use case is just to catch maybe 1 mosquito during the night, every few days.


I tried the desktop usb type with a induction fan 10 days never caught one but was bit many days and killed them myself… returned before the policy expired… i will watch posts to see if someone has a solution that work.

Where to buy? everywhere like 3c, carrefour, rt

Mosquitoes are too damn smart to go anywhere near those things, the little bastards. We have one in the kitchen and it’s a complete waste of space and electricity.

You need a tennis-bat thingy. You can buy them everywhere.


Buy a magnetic net to put on your bedroom door, that’s the only thing we have found that works.


Mosquito laser gun?




Yeah man Venus flytraps love em, I had them back home and forgot about them here.

On the search for them now.

Those little fan UV things don’t work at all! Garbage.
Tennis bat with a good strong voltage and rechargeable battery.
Also have the magnetic nets on some doors and net over the bed if they keep getting in.

It was so bad in our new place they were coming in through the air ducts in the bathrooms and any kind of crevices we have had to tape them all up! And they can get through any window net except the really fine ones. I spray them with some lemongrass oil so I can at least open the window.

These tiny native patriots are aggressive, keeping us waiguoren from enjoying ourselves :frowning:

I’ve done a complete 180 about spiders over the past few years. Before I’d freak out and kill them; now I’m actually happy to see them in my house, hoping they’ll kill mosquitoes and roaches.