Smoke and computers

I suspect that smoke does dammage to a comper. Is it true and how does it affect the computer? My school burns mosquito coils all over the show and I warned them that it might affect the computers. The next day, the compuer I spoke of wasn’t working anymore. They haven’t stopped yet. What should I tell them?

[ … highlight=](Do you use internet caf

[quote=“aubrey”]I suspect that smoke does dammage to a comper. Is it true and how does it affect the computer? My school burns mosquito coils all over the show and I warned them that it might affect the computers. The next day, the compuer I spoke of wasn’t working anymore. They haven’t stopped yet. What should I tell them?

[ … highlight=](Do you use internet caf probably not the best thing for computers. But then again, the ones in internet cafes seem to keep working for a while so it can’t be that dreadful either.

Do a Google search;

Find out what you can. But I wouldn’t worry about it too much if I were you. Mention it to the boss once and then forget about it.

Smoke is agressive to electronic components and could indeed cause damage, though I doubt it’s a matter of hours or days only. It would probably take months or years even, shortening the life span of the equipment.

My experience is that when the smoke comes from the computer it, indeed, won’t work the next day.

The only smoke I know of that will do immediate damage is the magic blue smoke, and then the damage only happens when you let the smoke out rather than in. :laughing:

It is common knowledge within the computer maintenance industry (or at least it used to be) that smoke causes damage to computers, especially cigarette smoke. I most vividly remember a microscopic photo of sorts, accompanying an article on this subject years ago, showing a large bumby ball next to a smaller gap between metal parts. As it turns out, that was a photo of one particle of cigarette smoke (ball) next to the read/write head of a standard computer hard drive. The smoke particle was larger than the gap between the head and the surface of the hard drive, and can jam up the works. There are many sources for this info, but one at has a small diagram and text that explains this problem:

Not totally sure, but I think that same smoke has been found to be detrimental to other components of the system, like, the operators.