
Wow, where was that?

In Daxueshan. OpenStreetMap

I’ve seen snakes here before but usually they go away too fast to pull out a phone and take pics. Much more often though in lower elevations. I was under the impression that the poison snakes here don’t really live above 2km high?

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Never assume anything.

Always use caution when hiking.

This guy (Asian Tiger Snake) lives above 2000m and has the distinction of being the only snake species that’s both poisonous and venomous. I’ve seen two of them on high mountain hikes.



Nope, I also saw an Asian tiger snake at high altitude.

What’s that mean?

If you eat it you’ll die or get ill and if it bites you you’ll die or get ill. I think.


As @BiggusDickus said. Venomous means that the animal has the ability or capability of inoculating the venom in you, in an active way like biting your ass. Poisonous means that if you eat it you’re fucked. Think of night market food.


Keep your eyes open and watch where you are walking.

Although the weather has been much cooler, they are still out there!

This beautiful many banded krait (雨傘節 ) literally crossed my path on my night walk last night.

Shitty iPhone Pics under the summary tab



I’ve seen a couple of smaller banded kraits.

looks like the perfect snake to go on planes…

Thats awesome man! Those guys have gotten extremely rare in recent years. Many herpers, myself included, have never seen 1! Have talked to a few people that said this year has been good for them, you can join the ranks of the pro snake gurus here! I would feel pretty blessed, that is bucket list snake for sure!

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All hail the snake guru

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So, the weather was very warm and humid yesterday and that brought out the snakes.

Taken during my rainy night walk.

First I encountered a turtle on the walking path. Carefully put him in a nearby pond.

Then this Bamboo Viper

Finally this fresh road kill. Taiwan Habu or Cat Snake. @mad_masala will identify for us.

Be careful, they’re still out there!

And don’t make any more stupid lame Snakes on a Plane jokes you dumb ass!


Nice finds, thats a pretty decent night out!

Habu for sure. Pitty, these kinds of deaths are never great.

This morning next to the retaining wall where I park my cars.

Looks like it’s springtime kiddies.


Sweet start of the season …

Snakes on a Taiwanese Train. Someone was tired of these MF snakes on this MF train, and stopped the train to allow firefighters to come and capture the snake.




Thats a pet. Looks like a Boa constrictor. I bet if people on the train knew it is worth a few thousand, problem solved in T minus 5 seconds.