
Yes, I found that coincidence funny :slight_smile:

interestingly, the Taiwan beauty is (was) at fierce odds with the vietnamese beauty in the pet trade.

overwhelmingly, taiwan won :innocent:

On a night walk tonight. Supposed to be rare, but I’ve seen them often near my home.

MacClelland’s Coral Snake


And one Masked Palm Civet


Nicely spotted!

Went to pick lemons from my tree, this guy was chilling there. Just a reminder to be more observant.


Did you take that photo?!
I wouldn’t be able to keep a steady hand after such surprise!

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Yes, but only after taking a shot of liquid courage!

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I saw a hooded snake on my running path a few days ago. Didn’t get to snap a picture but it had a reddish hue to it.

Any idea what it could have been? It was on the smaller side

Maybe the rare Little Red Slithering Hood?


Darth Hisssius

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I was going for Snake Jafar,
but it doesn’t fully match the description

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:joy::joy::joy: not that red more like copper hued

Also he was quite a small boy

I’ve not had any complaints.

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What about Sssssamuel L Jackson?

First snake of the season.

The morning of 3/28 on the Balien Trail along Balien Creek in SanZhi, north coast Taiwan. Based on the trail tiles this one had to be about 200cm long.

Temps are heating up. Keep your eyes open!

[八連溪步道 - 三芝區]


One of the best! And certainly the best name. I call my wife the same name as that snake hahaha

Nice find, a biggun


And how does she feel about that? Beauty sounds good, but even with lipstick it’s still a SNAKE!


Taiwan beauty (snake). She loves it. That’s why i married her, her love of nature. Plus being called a Taiwan beauty ain’t too shaby, lets be real. Other ladies unaffiliated with the herps dont need to hear the snake part. Taiwan(ese) beauty just rolls off the tongue!

She has a snake referrence for me as well, but it’s a family forum, so nevermind :innocent:


If I ever get a “wife” there will be snake…


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