
I don’t see what’s so stupid about the column.

Anyway, here’s what happened: I flubbed up the removal of the Eyeball and wrecked the viewtopic file. The fastest way to make the discussions accessible again was to re-jigger the viewads file. Every topic thread on has two views: “topic” view and “ads” view. The main difference between the two is that ‘stupid’ shortcut column you cited.

Normally, the different views are accessible by clicking on the thread’s title. This toggles between the two views.

The viewads file was not as uptodate as the viewtopic file – ie. it lacked modifcations like the horoscopes. I did my best to return things to the way they looked, but clearly, this wasn’t good enough. I’ll try to work on it somemore, but my access to this website is limited for technical and (mostly) scheduling reasons (ie. we’re nearing year end so time is tight)

There are some strange kind of ‘watermark’ background effects on some of the pages. They make the message text hard to read and give me a headache.

Also there is something on the right hand side about ‘post an ad now’. It makes the message space much narrower (it’s already been narrowed down on the left hand side due to so many flags, chops etc. and some people’s too-wide avatars) so I have to scroll down too much. I don’t have a massive screen but I suppose most of you guys have so maybe it doesn’t look so bad.

[Edited: just read Gus’s explanation of the problem above. Still don’t like that view, though. If people want to go directly from discussions to posting ads. there are plenty of other links in less obtrusive places. How many people do post ads. as a spur-of-the-moment thing, anyway?]

It is a constantly recurring theme in the ‘feedback’ section that what a lot of people would like is not lots of ‘bells and whistles’ but just an easy-to-use, well-running site. It’s almost well-running now but these bells and whistles are making it harder and harder to use.

BTW Gus, thanks for your previous post and explanation about the donation system. I don’t have a credit card so can’t do that online thing but it seems from what you wrote that you’ve got the basic costs covered now anyway and what you’d prefer is advertising space to promote the Forumosa classifieds sections. I’ll see how much Compass charge; maybe we can make up a small box ad to put in there.

Please get rid of the snow! I normally open up several several browser windows, the snow kicks the hell out of the 'puter even on a fast network. Seems to be a massive resource user, it crashed a PIII450 at work, slowed a P4 2.2 to a crawl and I just hit c-a-del on a PIII 1g and iexplorer is using an average of 95% of CPU and 23000K mem on a 512mb m/c, thats with 2 Formosa windows opened…what the hell is that all about! It seems everytime the site is actually stable and running well some new fangled extra is added that buggers it up. :imp:

Seems to be playing havoc with my iMac too.

Please lose the snow. There has to be a less annoying way of getting this site in the holiday spirit than dropping little specks of dandruff over our computer screens.

Am I the only one that likes the snow?? I love it!! I think it is a great idea and very festive!!! Keep the SNOW!!! Please…
I will do anything to keep the snow… :wink:

I will do anything to keep the snow… :wink:[/quote]

Looks like the snow job is here to stay… :wink:

Seems that it doesn’t work at all on Mozilla, which is a good thing. Got back to work today where I have IE to find it’s still here :x
Yes, it is festive, but it is buggy, it makes forumosa difficult to use and ruins for me and for many others. Put it on the front page if you must, but NOWHERE ELSE.
Gus, are you going to force me to install Mozilla at work ? because it’s pretty unusable on IE.
I thought the eyeball was interesting in a way, and look how popular that was this, I can’t see anything good to say about the snow.

Sometimes the last thing you need when you are at work on Christmas Day thousands of miles away from home is reminding that it is Christmas.

Someone once told me they always get snirt during the winter, not snow. I asked what the hell is that, they said it’s snow and dirt! ha ha ha ha! So yeah maybe the snow should be brown!!! :smiley: :smiley:

[quote=“JeffG”]Someone once told me they always get snirt during the winter, not snow. I asked what the hell is that, they said it’s snow and dirt! ha ha ha ha! So yeah maybe the snow should be brown!!! :smiley: :smiley:[/quote]So where does yellow snow come from ?

Big Fluffy Matthew,


I’m dreaming of a white Christmas
Just like the ones I used to know
Where the treetops glisten
And children listen
To hear sleigh bells in the snow.

Bring back the mother fucking snow!

Glad to see the end of that damned snow ,and hopefully too the northern hemisphere bias.

I like my santa to arrive in the heat of summer, wearing shorts and smelling of beer. I recall the stupidity of Christmas in Australia as a kid. A huge bloody roast and oodles of pudding with the temperature screaming over 40 degree Celsius. People seem to have wisened up, its salads and cold chicken these days.


It’s stupid when you don’t know that you can toggle them. :wink:

Just like real snow, it falls for awhile and then it stops…

:laughing: Reminds me of an old joke:

Why are snowstorms and one night stands the same to a woman?

Because, she doesn’t know how many inches she’s going to get nor how long it’s going to last!



I will do anything to keep the snow… :wink:[/quote]

Looks like the snow job is here to stay… :wink:[/quote]

The snow is gone… and I am depress…
I seriously would do anything to keep the snow, u know I would, right TigerMan?!

I will do anything to keep the snow… :wink:[/quote]

MiakaW, dear, let’s not give anyone the wrong impression… :wink: I have no personal knowledge of what you would be willing to do to keep the snow… I’m just going by what you post here… :wink:

Big Fluffy Matthew,

No, no, airplanes drop icy BMs.

The yellow snow is from Santa’s reindeer doing time trials and practice runs. They use it to mark their course.

I will do anything to keep the snow… :wink:[/quote]

Looks like the snow job is here to stay… :wink:[/quote]

The snow is gone… and I am depress…
I seriously would do anything to keep the snow, u know I would, right TigerMan?![/quote]