Soda fountain price

Could anyone tell me the price to buy or rent a soda fountain.
Thank you.

Is that with or without syrups and CO2?

Keep in mind if you are serving anything with the coca cola logo you buy the franchise from them and they are quite strict about this.

You need to ask Coca cola or Pepsi what the cost is.

Thank you both.

With or without TT
Do u have any info of not ?


If you want Coca Cola syrup you’re going to have to buy that from Coca Cola. And of course you must join their franchise if you are to do that. They’re not going to sell that syrup to just anyone.

Otherwise you would have to buy generic soda syrup like ones used for Soda Stream.

For the CO2 you buy it from gas companies.

Good to know & thank you Taiwan Luthiers.

You should know if your business isn’t enough to franchise into Coca Cola most would just buy cans or 2 liter bottles wholesale and serve it that way.

Yes I’ve done that before.
I’m just looking for a ball park figure to add onto a business plan.
Rent a machine & set up with a few boxes from Coca Cola & Co2 would cost me …… 10k ?

Well, call up Coca Cola, find out what their distributors are. I’m sure they have resources for restaurants wanting to add fountains to their products.

They even have a 0800 number that you can call to ask them how to rent/use their equipment such as soda fountain stuff.


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That’s brilliant. Cheers.